Windows terminals

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PCHF Member
Apr 22, 2021

In school we had computer stations and when you logged in to your account on any pc it had all of your files, programs and set up.
What is the name of this set up and how easy is it to recreate?
more than likely, the IT Department had a local Domain setup, rather than a Workgroup which most home PC's are on.
they could also have setup a roaming profile that followed you around to whatever PC you logged onto, plus they would have had shared folders, like a publicly mapped one accessible to all users and probably a UserHome folder that each user only had access to.

what is your OS?
So I looked in to windows domains and it looks like exactly what I need. I will need windows server by the looks of it.

With windows domain are the local computer terminals doing the processing or does the server need to be powerful enough to do processing for the computers connected?
who does the grunt work all depends on the software in question and where it is installed.

some programs are installed on the Server and each client PC is simply a front end into the software running on the Server.

Or, you can have the 'database' sitting on the Server and each client has the full blown software installed and just gets the data from a central repository.

Servers and Clients are only used in medium to large companies with many PC's.
what is it you are trying to set up here?

and simply getting Windows Server isn't the end of it.
you have to setup a File Server, a Domain Controller, get CAL's for each user (I think the OS comes with 5 from memory), and then there's things like having the Server setup for RAID, external backups of user data and a bunch of other geek stuff to sort out, like the network hardware.
I have set up a web development company with 12 staff. We are using desktops. I would like to allow staff to hot desk. They run xampp, visual studio etc. And have all the files obviously local to work on.

Hat would be the best solution for this? Apart from migrating to laptops which will be too expensive.

who does the grunt work all depends on the software in question and where it is installed.

some programs are installed on the Server and each client PC is simply a front end into the software running on the Server.

Or, you can have the 'database' sitting on the Server and each client has the full blown software installed and just gets the data from a central repository.

Servers and Clients are only used in medium to large companies with many PC's.
what is it you are trying to set up here?

and simply getting Windows Server isn't the end of it.
you have to setup a File Server, a Domain Controller, get CAL's for each user (I think the OS comes with 5 from memory), and then there's things like having the Server setup for RAID, external backups of user data and a bunch of other geek stuff to sort out, like the network hardware.
Just looked in to CALs. So I'd have to pay to use a software that I paid for?

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