Hi, just registered to this site to seek some help with an issue I've been having these past few weeks.
Seemingly at random times various windows turn completely black for about 5 seconds which renders them unusuable. I can still interact with the window, like move it around, close it, minimize it and such, but mostly nothing else. At this point this has happened with Google Chrome and Discord. For Google Chrome, for example, if I am watching a video, the sound will continue to play even if I close the window and reopen it, but for Discord it will cut all functionality until I end its respective task in Task Manager. Is this a Windows 10 issue which means a system reset is due or can this be fixed in some other way? If you need more info, do ask.
Seemingly at random times various windows turn completely black for about 5 seconds which renders them unusuable. I can still interact with the window, like move it around, close it, minimize it and such, but mostly nothing else. At this point this has happened with Google Chrome and Discord. For Google Chrome, for example, if I am watching a video, the sound will continue to play even if I close the window and reopen it, but for Discord it will cut all functionality until I end its respective task in Task Manager. Is this a Windows 10 issue which means a system reset is due or can this be fixed in some other way? If you need more info, do ask.