Solved Win7 64bit internet issue.

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PCHF Member
Jun 9, 2020
I recently installed win 10 on my computer, it did not install properly and it crashed my system. So I decided to go back to win 7 64 bit and here is when the problem started. Now with win7 64 bit my modem speed is reduced to .5 from 50. I removed the 64bit and went to 32bit and everything works great but most of my games need 64 bit. I did a new install of win 10 64 and it runs fine. Re installed win7 64 bit and same issue, modem speed is so slow I can't even bring up a home page. I tried 6 installs all with same results. I'm running an MSI motherboard Z170A KRAIT GAMING 3X (MS-7A11). Could this be the issue that the M/B is screwed up. I tried to see if MSI has a new driver upgrade but the support was so bad I did not get any where. Tried another modem and same result. I have used win 7 64bit for 3 years on this computer with several installs and never any problems. Can anybody help please?
As security expert gus has already advised, Windows 10 is secure whereas Windows 7 is not, W7 is the new XP when it comes to being vulnerable to malware attack.

You will get used to Windows 10 and to make it more like Windows 7 use something like ViStart I've been using this since Windows 8 and still use it with 10.
Thanks for your time. I'm going to replace the mother board with an older one. I refuse to use win 10 sorry.
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