Solved win+x menu editor

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PCHF Member
Mar 29, 2021
has anybody used this prog to change the win+x context menu
I cant get any sense out of it . . nothing seems straigtforward
eg i'm buggered if i can put say device manager on it ??
yeah, I had a craic when Win10 first came out and I wanted to get the Start Menu looking like I was used to.
from memory, I got it partly doing what I want but I do remember giving up on it and putting my 'shortcuts' on the Taskbar or in Start Menu itself.

I find the file location of the program I want to put in the Start Menu and copy it into;
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs or
C:\Users\Bruce\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
depending on whether you want it for the current user or for all users.

PS - Device Manager is already in the power menu.

but as an exercise, this would be the steps;
  • on the Desktop, right click, New, Shortcut
  • type C:\Windows\System32\devmgmt.msc, click Next and give it a name, say DevMan
  • now right click the new shortcut and Cut
  • go to C:\Users\Bruce\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and paste the shortcut
now when you click Start, under the D's you'll see DevMan.
sorry for the quality of the pic
I’ve never used software to change menus so don’t have much to offer.
Have you restart the pc after changing the menu?
I haven't heard of or used this software before, you're in good hands with Bruce and Peter. :)
I use Vistart with the Windows 7 skin, see Lee Chantrey page here other than that I tend to leave Windows well alone.
lets hope microsoft dont go into manufacturing cars
else the steering wheel will finish up in the boot . . the pedals will finish up under the
back seat . . the engine will finish up on the roof ( which will be where the hub caps used to be :ROFLMAO: ) etc etc
( then everthing will be changed per new model )
Make improvements to the overall running of the thing by all means . . but FFS leave the UI as is
is microsoft is full of retards:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
it's a worth while mental exercise if nothing else. :)
as I said earlier, there are other ways to get quick access to your frequently used files, folders or programs.

good luck.
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