Have you ran
System File Checker?
Was this an upgrade for a previous windows version?
Have you disable Windows 10 from updating drivers?
Run a
Check Disk?
Here is one way that you can pull the log to view it. You can also COPY and PASTE the contents from the CHKDSKResults.txt file into a post.
1. Press the
Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, type
powershell.exe, and press Enter.
2. In PowerShell, copy and paste the command below, and press Enter.
get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"}| ?{$_.providername –match "wininit"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt
3. CHKDSKResults.txt file will be created on your desktop, that is the log file of your chkdsk scan results from Event Viewer.
Have you gone into the Store and checked that all the Software is up to date there?