Why there's no image being sent to the display?

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PCHF Member
Sep 18, 2017
I just got a Dell optiplex 790 desktop mini tower pc and I connected it to the display and when I turn it on there's no image appearing on the monitor. I'm using a new just bought vga cable which I verified that its working. What could the problem be?

The specs are:
Intel core i7 2600 @3.40GHz
4gb of ram
500gb hdd at 7200rpm
Video card is an amd raden hd 6350
And it is suppose to be running windows 10 home premium 64 bit.
Hello Mars and welcome to the Board.

Does the POST screen show?
Check to make sure that you are plugged into the card and not the on-board (if there is one).

I just got a Dell optiplex 790 desktop mini tower pc and I connected it to the display and when I turn it on there's no image appearing on the monitor. I'm using a new just bought vga cable which I verified that its working. What could the problem be?
How long ago did you get the system. May still be under-warranty and you may need to contact Dell. If you open they system it may void the warranty if any.
The monitor only shows no signal and then goes to sleep. I tried 2 different monitors that are working and on none there is a display shown when conected to the desktop. Removed the cmos battery and it did nothing. Idk what to do? And theres no warranty from Dell on it. I got it off ebay, contacted seller vut still no response. I got it today and it did this since I first tried using it.
The card is an amd radeon hd 6350 but the only port I see on it is like a type to dvi port which I don't have a cable for. But shouldn't it display an image from the vga port aswell?
Since there is no warranty to worry about.

Does the POST screen show?
Check to make sure that you are plugged into the card and not the on-board (if there is one).

If there is an on-board try removing the Video card and attach to that and see if you get POST screen and if you get any screens after that.

Make sure to discharge the system completely from power and to ground yourself a simple static discharge may kill the system

If you get display then reattach the Video card connect the monitor and let us know what happens.

But shouldn't it display an image from the vga port aswell?
If it is built onto the motherboard no. Some of the older systems if you insert a Video card then it turns off the on-board.
Yea the vga port is on the motherboard not on the video card. The video card only has an dms-59 port which I do not have a cable for. So I should remove the video card and then boot the pc and see if it displays something on the monitor?
Yea the vga port is on the motherboard not on the video card. The video card only has an dms-59 port which I do not have a cable for. So I should remove the video card and then boot the pc and see if it displays something on the monitor?
Until you get a monitor and or cable that can attach to that then yes. Most electronic shops should carry the cables and or some type of adapter.
Ok so removed the card and booted the pc and it worked. So should I reinstall the card or I need to leave it off until I get the cable for it?
Ok so removed the card and booted the pc and it worked. So should I reinstall the card or I need to leave it off until I get the cable for it?
Yes leave the card out until you get the cable.

Put the card some place it will not get damaged and protected unit then.

If you are not planning to use the system then put the card back in.
Will depend on the size of the power supply that is in the system.

I believe that they came with a 250 watt and that limits to what you can use.

Why not just temporally use it with out the video card attached and wait until you get the proper connectors then reattach the video card?
I'm looking to upgrade it since the AMD radeon hd 6350 is a pretty poor graphics card, The processor can handle some games pretty well but the graphics are trash with that specific graphic card. I wsnt to upgrade and of course I will have to upgrade power supply aswell.
If you are planning to upgrade the system since you running Windows 10 you should also see about upgrading the RAM to at least 8 GB (16 GB max).

Here are the specs manual for the system.

Do you know which of this graphics card will fit my motherboard?

Yes that card may work if you get the proper power supply to run it. Another thing you may need to think on is finding a card that will fit properly. Dell is famous for not using full size cases hence some of the cards are low profile cards.

What are you plans for the system so we can best advise you.
On that particular amazon listing they sell that graphics card low profile. My plans are to install more ram, a better graphics card but not so expensive since I won't be a heavy gamer on it and to upgrade the power supply.
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