Whining/buzzing noise and feedback from microphone.

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PCHF Member
Dec 25, 2016
I just got a Klipsch KG200 for christmas, and it's not working the way I hoped so I'm just going to list the problems I've noticed so far.

It has a whining/buzzing noise, which I understand might be a grounding issue even though I can't see why as I have a dedicated socket directly to the wall from my computer. I can constantly hear myself from my microphone, even thought I haven't connected the microphone input into my computer at all. I have also deactivated all other devices that are not my headset. I have also tried updating the Realtek Audio Drivers, with no luck. I've also tried watching some youtube videos and some forum posts about this but haven't found anything that can remotely apply to my case.

I'm currently using a Koss SB/45 headset, which have no whining/buzzing noise and my microphone is working fine.

If there's any information I can give that might help resolve this issue, I'm more than happy to provide this information.
As this is a new headset, I would suggest contacting the retailer in the first instance.. as it appears to have a fault it will be covered by the manufacturers warranty...
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