Solved Which 27" Monitor to buy

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Stephen Elson

PCHF Member
Feb 24, 2023
I'm looking for the best gaming monitor for around £400. Please can some advise me which to chose.
The graphics card is a GeForce GTX 1660Ti on my desktop.
Best resolution and refresh rate for the particular GPU that you mention LG Electronics 27GL650F-B.AEU direct from LG here

The above only in answer to what screen for the OPs GPU and there are other factors that will either improve or degrade performance, the better the CPU, RAM, PSU and internet connection when online gaming the better gaming will be on such a screen, the lower the spec the worse gaming performance will be.
I was looking at this model, is the one you recommend a better option?
ASUS TUF Gaming VG27AQ HDR Gaming Monitor - 27 Inch WQHD (2560 x 1440)
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The ASUS with its 165Htz refresh would be ok for the newer RTX 30 or RTX 40 range of cards but you asked for a display appropriate for your GTX 1660 Ti which being older technology is best used with 144MHz refresh rate when the screen concerned is 27"

You may get away with a 24" screen that has a 165MHz refresh rate but that was not what you asked for, look at it two ways, save circa £100 on the LG or pay the cost of the ASUS with the intention of upgrading the GPU in the future, you would have to suffer any poor display in the meanwhile though.

I will mention again that your other CPU hardware will have a massive bearing on this, veeg is still waiting on the PSU details from you but we could though do with knowing all of the below;

The brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM (including the amount and speed ) add on video card if not Nvidea and last but most importantly the PSU.
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