What replacement part do I need? (please see picture)

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Henry Cann

PCHF Member
Oct 6, 2023
Hi all,

Sorry for the noob question. My laptop broke and has been put back together but there is a small bracket missing which goes over the top where some laptops have speakers and I think holds hinges in place. I can't search for it online without knowing what it is!

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks

dumb question - what happened to the original one?

it won't have anything to do with the screen hinges, they screw to the bottom chassis frame.

that missing bit can hold the speakers, and also things like the power button.
can you turn the laptop on?

show us a wider view picture, it looks like the entire top plastic molding is missing.

if my attachment is your laptop, looks like you are missing the buttons in the top right corner, which are only there to push down on the physical buttons that are still on your laptop as shown in your picture.


  • laptop.jpg
    67.2 KB · Views: 2
dumb question - what happened to the original one?

it won't have anything to do with the screen hinges, they screw to the bottom chassis frame.

that missing bit can hold the speakers, and also things like the power button.
can you turn the laptop on?

show us a wider view picture, it looks like the entire top plastic molding is missing.

if my attachment is your laptop, looks like you are missing the buttons in the top right corner, which are only there to push down on the physical buttons that are still on your laptop as shown in your picture.
Hi @Bruce thanks for the reply - it's not a dumb question, basically when I dropped it off for repair I took the bracket (which popped off) with me - but the guy indicated he didn't need it. Now they say they need it and I can't find it typical. They have said this part just comes with the keyboard so I would need to buy a new keyboard. As this isn't essential, I decided to pick it up and maybe get new keyboard later.

However now there is another bigger issue. I've got the laptop home and now it's not properly powering on. The battery light goes white and then blinks orange, screen not lighting up.
It doesn't make sense because even when the screen was broken, the laptop itself worked I just had to connect to external display via hdmi.

Obviously I will have to take it back to them ASAP but any ideas what this problem indicates?
so when you hit the power button on the laptop (top right most one), what happens?
any lights, screen activity, noise, error message?

the LED power indicator going orange may mean the battery is charging.
can you remove the battery and just use the laptop on mains power?
if so, what happens then?
so when you hit the power button on the laptop (top right most one), what happens?
any lights, screen activity, noise, error message?

the LED power indicator going orange may mean the battery is charging.
can you remove the battery and just use the laptop on mains power?
if so, what happens then?
So when I hit power the light goes white for one second then flashes orange slowly. There is a sound from the engine but nothing from the screen. It's almost like it's in that sleep mode you can sometimes be in after not touching for a while

Just to confirm - this model needs case opened up to remove battery shall I do that? I'm not in warranty anyway
I thought it may have had a removal battery to simplify this test.
you could of course open up the back panel and just unplug the embedded battery - but it's a lot of work and honestly, only a slim chance of being the fault.

I'd be taking it back to those guys as this new issue seems to only have occurred after they had the laptop.
Update - removes battery and put on mains - it does the same and then settles orange, not hearing any sound from the engine

double check the processor, memory, and drive are all seated correctly.
other than that, not much else you can do - time for the repair shop. :)
Thanks for trying to help anyway
Here are the innards for what it's worth. I can't obviously see anything out of order, not that I'd know if there was something....
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