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Stacey Ryan

PCHF Member
Feb 2, 2023

I have a 64bit samsung np350v5c-a0buk laptop.

For a while there I could only use it with the charger plugged in, then it stopped working all together so I thought it was the battery had died.

Bought a new Greencell battery...laptop turned on as there was a little bit of charge on the battery but it would not charge.....so I bought a new charger but guess what it still wouldn't charge. My last thought was maybe the charging port in the laptop was damaged (before the first battery stopped charging you had to move the charger around to get it to charge) so I have replaced that but it still does not charge.

Any ideas what's going on? How can I fix this?

g'day stacey and welcome to the forum.

what part in the laptop was replaced - the power jack on the side and its internal circuit board that the power jack is soldered on to?
Thank you for the reply.

It was the power jack itself that was replaced.... It was removed from the circuit board and replaced
Bought a new Greencell battery...laptop turned on as there was a little bit of charge on the battery but it would not charge
Some systems have issues with NON-OEM batteries.

If you still have the old battery and put it in does the same thing happen?

Could also be the charger that has gone bad.
so the power jack itself was replaced, not the small circuit board it gets soldered onto, which in turn connects to the laptop's mainboard?
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