Solved Weirdly encrypted files

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PCHF Member
Jan 20, 2021
I have 6 computers that each run a server for a videogame I play. Windows10 version of Ark: survival evolved. The first 4 computers i ran a server on all the user created files (these servers are for online gaming) are like any other file on the computer. I can copy, paste, and sync these files with the other computers. Now on the last 2 computers I've set up, in the exact same way, all the user created files are encrypted. I have Googled all the ways to take ownership and attempt to remove the encryption that way. No bitlocker running. I have a 100% fresh install of the game on a computer thats empty of anything else. I dont know what makes these files become encrypted and how there's any difference from the first 4 computers I set up. I set up a new computer every 2ish months over the year of 2020. Any advice is much appreciated.
When you say encryption are you referring to BitLocker or similar software type or malware style encryption?
If you move a file from a non encrypted PC to the problem PCs is the file immediately encrypted?
Have you downloaded any free ioBit software advertised in an email recently?
When you say encryption are you referring to BitLocker or similar software type or malware style encryption?
If you move a file from a non encrypted PC to the problem PCs is the file immediately encrypted?
Have you downloaded any free ioBit software advertised in an email recently?
No, nothing installed recently besides xbox console app, and ark survival evolved. The folder initially has "encryption contents to secure data" checked, after unchecked it says error applying attributes. The parameter is incorrect" i never had any issues with the first 4 computers then these last two have been a pain. If I use synctoy 2.0 to transfer the files it removes the encryption but then it will say "an unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. Error 0x80070199: the appx file can not be accessed because it is not encrypted as expected." If I create a new save file with the folder having encrypt contents unchecked it will create a new save file thats not encrypted, but even that new dave file when copied will read that same 0x80070199 error.
When you say encryption are you referring to BitLocker or similar software type or malware style encryption?
If you move a file from a non encrypted PC to the problem PCs is the file immediately encrypted?
Have you downloaded any free ioBit software advertised in an email recently?
Also, no, when I move a file from a non encrypted pc to the problem pc it does not immediately encrypt the file. I pasted a file to the desktop and then copied the file just fine. However when I pasted that same file into the folder where the game saves are it didn't encrypt it but when I tried to re copy that file from the problem pcs save folder back to its own desktop i got the this file is not encrypted as expected error. So im left to assume that folder is somehow the issue?
Is Ark survival an xBox game Or another provider’s?
If xBox then is the game part of XBox pass?
Have you scanned the hard drive for errors?
Is Ark survival an xBox game Or another provider’s?
If xBox then is the game part of XBox pass?
Have you scanned the hard drive for errors?
Its an xbox game, I download it from Microsoft store. Theres 2 versions of ark, steam and windows10. So i have the windows10 version. I have not scanned the hard drive. What I find odd is how inconsistent the errors are between the two problem pcs. The first 4 computers went super easy. I own the game as in its purchased and not just a subscription to "xbox game pass" or anything like that.
Some games are limited to how many devices it can be installed on. Ensure this isn’t the case.
Are the problem PCs Home or Pro? What about the PCs on which the game works fine?
Every pc has its own Microsoft account and its own copy of the game purchased. 3 pcs have windows home, and 3 have windows pro. The 2 problem pcs are windows pro.
I went into one of the first 4 pcs that weren't auto encrypting the folder and copied the main studiowildcard folder in packages and replaced the folder in the pc that was encrypting the files and It fixed my issues. Im unsure why such restrictions were being put on those folders which were created by the initial install of the game but its now working. NOTE ANYONE COPYING WHAT I DID. Make sure to first save the files from the folder your deleting...
Thanks for the update. Keep an eye on it for the next few days.
So that only worked until the pc restart. Then all files once again will send the "not encrypted as expected error". I did some cross referencing on the pcs and have found that the 4 pcs that do not have the encrypting issues have ark installed to the pcs main primary hard drive.The pcs that are encrypting the files have ark installed to a hdd that is not the original drive and is installed to the 2nd installed hdd. Could this be the issue? Is there a way around it?
So further investigating lead me to find that windowsapps, such as ark:survival evolved can only be downloaded to the main hard drive of the computer. Any secondary hard drive or external hard drive will result in the files being encrypted. This is very unfortunate as many people download their additional games and apps to alternate hard drives. But I've figured out my issue. Hopefully in the future Microsoft and windows work that issue out as its very unfortunate I can't use my ssd drive to boot
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