Wee adaptor

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PCHF Member
Sep 4, 2019
Having a problem with the device that is inside my laptop and connects with the charger input?

I will get it sorted by a professional, but I was wondering what that thing was that protects the input area of laptop. You connect your charger to it and it can bend WITHOUT damaging the inner part that i'm gonna have to have sorted. Great looking wee device - any one help me please?
the charger input goes into the power jack on a laptop - is this what you are talking about?
and what is "wee" - do you mean small as in you're Scottish or a Nintendo games console?
perhaps a picture will tell a thousand words.....
the charger input goes into the power jack on a laptop - is this what you are talking about?
and what is "wee" - do you mean small as in you're Scottish or a Nintendo games console?
perhaps a picture will tell a thousand words.....


There's a wee adaptor that screws into the side and then you can put your AC adoptor into that. The reason being that the inside of the laptop where the AC Adaptor goes becomes loose and falls away after time depending on how much you nudge the input / port.

Basically the point of this small devise is that you can move the adaptor about with damaging the inside of the port because the small device is bendable?

Do you know what the small device is called please? An American invention i think?
" Do you know what the small device is called please? "

Cable lock,Tethering kit,Peripheral locking kit...etc.
" Do you know what the small device is called please? "

Cable lock,Tethering kit,Peripheral locking kit...etc.

Last i saw it was a couple of year back. Think it was an American invention. I'll try doing a search using those words... Sad that i don't have an answer as this seems to be a recurring problem with Laptops - plug the AC Adaptor to the side... accidentally nudge it... after time and numerous nudges the device inside gets loose and putting in the AC Adaptor is pointless.

Thanks all the same. (y):(
@vger - I think you are referring to a Kensington Lock.
I don't think this is what Charles is talking about.

Kensington Locks are a security device that anchors a laptop to the desk.
Charles is wanting the name of some sort of adaptor thaty screws into a side of the laptop and the power cablke than plugs into this adapter rather than the laptop itself (if I have all that right).

its not anything I've ever seen or heard about.
@vger - I think you are referring to a Kensington Lock.
I don't think this is what Charles is talking about.

Kensington Locks are a security device that anchors a laptop to the desk.
Charles is wanting the name of some sort of adaptor thaty screws into a side of the laptop and the power cablke than plugs into this adapter rather than the laptop itself (if I have all that right).

its not anything I've ever seen or heard about.
That's true. The device screws into the port and you put the AC mains adaptor into it. It's bendable therefore safeguards the port area and stops the inner part of the port from coming loose. Thanks.
OK,the only kind of peripheral lock like that,i could find was the Kensington Lock.
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