URGENT House burned. friend clean PC and installed (ram+drive) Now blue screen and wont accept password

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PCHF Member
Nov 5, 2020
Title says it all. My house burned down. lost everything. a coworker who knows computer cleaned mine up (as it wasnt starting anymore) then changed the power supply, installed a new ram bar and anotehr hard drive.( I think he took them from another old computer). I am running windows 10. I have an asus A8 amd 3.3(I think) with normally 8b ram but now I think 16.

We started the computer at his house 2=3 times and it worked.
When I got to where I stay now(obviously not my house!) I got a fatal bluescreen.... after hours of trying dont ask me how it restarted normally and accept my password (i am the sole admin in this computer)

2 days later(never dared shut the computer) im thinking windows updated during the night ...something as I got a message saying it didnt work (updaate)and had the fatal blue screeen again. Cant log into anyting as it wont accept my password anymore. Managed only to get in safe mode with networking under another NON ADMIN person. so very limited to what I can do.

Cant access command(admin)
cant restore(admin password again)
cant even reformat(no more disk and password again!

I need help as
1 I have nothing left and sure as hell am stressed
2-I need the computer to work so I can fill in all the things the insurance demands and need the internet for that too.Wont get any money until then so need this one to rework
3-At this point if I was told how to do things I would try it.

Need urgent help this needs tobefixed tonight. or tomorrowam or wont meet the first deadline for documents.(insurance)
Sorry to hear about the house. Being a firefighter structural fires can reach 100-2000 degree Fahrenheit so there may be more damage then what was thought to be in the first place. Could be Water, Vapor, Smoke, Heat.

Other issues may be the issue
Power supply
Central Processing Unit
Data Cables
Power Cable

The thermal paste for the CPU is probably toast same for the GPU.
Sorry to hear about the house. Being a firefighter structural fires can reach 100-2000 degree Fahrenheit so there may be more damage then what was thought to be in the first place. Could be Water, Vapor, Smoke, Heat.

Other issues may be the issue
Power supply
Central Processing Unit
Data Cables
Power Cable

The thermal paste for the CPU is probably toast same for the GPU.
Yes I brought a similar computer so he could take the power supply. He did change the thermal paste (he told me) but I have no idea what it is. He then canabilized the computer and installed the graphic card and ram and fan and drive.....personnally I thought he would take my hard drive and just insert it into the other computer but no. so now im out of 2 computer any help appreciate.
The computer was on floor in extreme end of fire. it did get smoked but not much heat
You might miss your deadline for filing if we do.

Did the second system have a operating system on it. After you got it would it boot up?

You can put the second system back together and hope it works and no damage has been done. With out knowing of any testing that was done and if he properly cleaned the boards and checked the cables correctly.

Lets get others thoughts and opinions on this @phillpower2 @Bruce
In fact I have no clue how to reassemble it. I am not sure if it had windows in it or not as I never started it. He took the fan,memery, hard drive, graphic card and power supply.

First why cant I do anything on automatic repair ...it wont accept my password
Due to the fact they used the parts that were in the system that could have been damaged from the fire. For that fact if your friend did not ground then selves a simple static discharge could of affected something.

If the stuff was damaged then the data is now corrupt. The way the system is acting just validates what I have been stating.

Try a different keyboard.
its already been stated, but anything from the old PC should be trashed.
between fire, heat, water and smoke - no part in that PC should be classed as reliable.
apart from water and smoke entering the system, there's still the heat element and the amount of plastics still used in the components.
simply put, if that PC was in the same room as a house destroying fire, then it is toast. (sorry - no pun intended)

insurance (eventually) will pay out for a new one, you just need to get your hands on a temporary, loan or burrowed one until then.
what about your smart phone (if you have one), that can be used for emails and internet until the claim comes through.
or your local library.

once the new PC arrives, the old drive can be put into an external enclosure and any data recovered, as long as the drive is readable.

as to your password, if not recognised, you are not entering what the system is expecting.
sometimes that's as simple as CAPS Lock being on, or you are entering it wrong, or the keys aren't typing what you think they are.
is there an 'eye' icon in the password field that you can click that shows what you have typed?
First the other computer was not in same place. so all the parts taken from that computer should be good.
I didnt ask for him to do that. I just wanted to know if my hard drive was ok to save my information. He checked it and said yes. then he needed a powe supply. So I brought this computer thinking either insert the hard drive into it or just take the power supply to check the other one. But no he totatlly dimantled it and took all the parts to insert in the one that got smoke.

First I have no clue hoe to reaasemble the other computer.
Second my password is correct. I checked with the eye icon its obviously a bug with windoes 10( I know it tried to install some news stuff and some failed.
its just refusing it for whatever reason
Second I have to spend 30-1hr to just be able to get into safe mode its like not willing to let me go there.

Third library are close here (im in canada) and I am in red zone. To get money at one point I need a computer to be able to do all they ask from what I heard it can take months and some said 1-2 years. With the covid I was told to be extra patient (ARG). I am not being cheap but I lost all. My priority is to eat, then get clothing for the winter, manage to pay for the new place while still paying for the house that burned and put gas in the car to go towork. so no I dont have extra money even to buy a cheap computer. No my phoneburnt, my talbet burnt and my laptop didnt burn but wont work anymore

If there is a way to make either the other one working again or this one (defrag or whatever) let me know.
OK. I think I'm on the same page now.
in short, you bought a new PC but the co-worked used the new one to try to get the old one working.
which now isn't working.

for me, stop working on the old one! full stop.
get the old hard drive and add it as a second drive to the new PC.
it sounds like the new PC was working initially, and what with there being no info needing to be kept on that system, lets wipe it and reload Windows.
and here is where you may need his services again.

once the new PC has been reloaded, you'll have it back to how you bought it, that is, no password - leave it that way.
when loading Windows, don't setup a Microsoft account to login, and when asked for a username, enter your name and when asked for a password, just hit Enter.

you should then have a working PC, and hopefully access to all the old drives data.
not sure how you are going to get on the web though.

although the insurance deadline has passed, they should be able to process your claim over the phone.
and depending on your work environment, maybe they can come to the party, let you set up the PC at work and use their network.
or even their PC's!

sorry, but it probably looks like we aren't being too helpful. sadly the only assistance we can offer is advice.
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yes I agree but he told me its like a lego...Im on my own for that now (even though I gavehim money to help me I feel im screwed)

so today after I dunno how long the computer did reboot normally. I created right away an admin with no password.
I did defrag.
I did malware bite which found a lot.(which is weird)
I saved the most important file in case it happens agfain

Here is the code on the blue screen I get
Stop code system thread exception not handled i8042prt.sys

I know windows had some failed update(which might be the cause)
ON the net they say also to upgrade driver but Idunno if there is a free software that would do that has now im not sure what i have ....I saw resolvo(or soem thing that sounds that way but wasnt free.

so that ellsecould I do right now?
This week I will try to lego up the other computer but frankly I dont think I have much cance.
RIght now have access to my account and interent. for how long I dunno so help mefigure this out
if MalwareBytes found malicious stuff, that right there is a red flag. and probably your root cause of everything going pear shaped. it needs to be cleaned thoroughly.

maybe some of this forums expert malware cleaners can help there. @gus @phillpower2

I think you'll find the blue screen error will resolve itself once the malware is removed.

don't use the net to resolve driver issues - there be dragons!
those sites and offered software are nothing more than snake oil peddlers and usually full of infections.
only use Windows updates to update your system for now.

let's wait for some malware removal help before proceeding.
k thankswill wait. did an update seemed to have work (not sure but says up tp date
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