Solved Upgrading from Windows 10 properly

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PCHF Member
Dec 4, 2024
Hi, apologies to make a new post so soon after my last, but this is again uncharted territory for me.
My current system is windows 10, and is due upgrade to 11. How do I do this properly please?

The reason I ask is because I got help here before Christmas with issues gaming, and was advised that my PC had a lazy setup initially, see screenshot attached.
I will also link my previous help thread.

I wish to start completely fresh with Windows 10 and immediately upgrade it to 11. It was a Windows 10 key from new so I'm assuming I have to do it this way rather than jump straight to 11.

The PC has been performing absolutely perfect since receiving the help, but since I will be building a new system when the parts arrive, this will be given to my partner, so I thought it's best to upgrade now rather than at end of Windows 10 life. Plus i can treat it as a practice run for my new build that's on the way.

She will use the PC 60% for gaming and 40% for general use, web browsing, creating documents, online banking etc if this is relevant info. Added this because via the previous help thread, I disabled multiple unnecessary processes such as edge, one drive etc via powershell commands and would like all this to remain active for her.

The PC has 1 M.2 drive for the OS and 2 SATA SSDs. All of which can be wiped clean as I will save any data I may require in a backup first. Can I do this without removing them from the PC? I will of course wait for instructions before jumping into anything.

As always, many thanks for reading.

Link to previous thread:


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In the last thread @phillpower2 mentioned about your drivers.
Did you download the drivers from the MSI web site.
If yes do you still have them?.

I will save any data I may require in a backup first. Can I do this without removing them from the PC?
Yes, do you have an external drive or nas you can use?
Because it is data my personnel preference is to copy (or sync) the data to either an external drive or a nas - Even another computer will do.
Backup programs can get messy if you have a fail with the program.
If you copy or sync then you can check your data on any pc to see if it is ok, even the original pc.

Because MSI have Windows 11 drivers on the web site we assume you can upgrade to 11 with no problems.
Microsoft has an app that can test and confirm this. I doubt if you need this.

You have two choices for installing Windows 11.
wish to start completely fresh with Windows 10 and immediately upgrade it to 11
This method will work and it will make sure your system is registered on the Microsoft servers . HOWEVER.

2) Download the Windows 11 creation tool and install Windows 11 fresh. Choose the option I do not have a product key.
Your Windows 10 key should be registered on Microsoft servers and it should activate Windows 11.

Before you connect to the internet you install your drivers as per @phillpower2 instructions.

When you install Windows 11 it is advisable to disconnect either the power or data cables to the other two (2) drives to avoid Windows
writing boot info across different drives.

When running the install you and you get to the part Where to install Windows
Highlight each partition and delete.
Then install on the unallocated space. And let Windows sort out the partitions. Pics below

Then when the drivers are all installed you can connect the two (2) other drives - Power off first.
connect to the internet and activate Windows 11.

Phillpower2 has been tagged in my reply. If he offers advice that is different to mine please do follow his advice.


Your Windows 10 key should be registered on Microsoft servers and it should activate Windows 11.
I thought I best check this out myself rather then rely on google.

I checked my Windows 10 was activated.
Downloaded the Windows 11 Creation tool and created the usb.
I booted from the usb and installed Windows 11 without internet.
After the install I went to the activation settings, plugged in the internet and it activated Windows 11.

I did pick the option of I do not have a product key and I had to choose from the list the same product
that was on Windows 10. E.G Windows Home.

Also I notice that on the install you have to remove the usb when it is doing the first reboot
otherwise it will ask you if this is an upgrade or a fresh install.
If you choose a fresh install the you are back to square one and will be in a loop.
@sakers92 - still with us?

Hi yes I'm still with you. I appreciate everybody's replies. I had a extremely busy weekend and didn't touch anything PC related, sorry for the delayed reply.

I'm currently at work so this is just to clarify I have seen all the replies above, I will start to tackle this on Wednesday.

Apologies for not acknowledging anything more than Bruce's last comment. I didn't want it to seem like I'd abandoned ship.

Il address everything properly as soon as I have time. Thanks for understanding
Ok so im home now and have read through more in depth. Firstly, my PC is able to run Windows 11. A physical backup of what i need is done. All files and folders are on a spare USB drive.

For install I will use option 2 as suggested here.
2) Download the Windows 11 creation tool and install Windows 11 fresh. Choose the option I do not have a product key.
Your Windows 10 key should be registered on Microsoft servers and it should activate Windows 11.

Do i do this via Installation assistant, Installation media or Windows disk image? I suspect disk image but just want to make sure.

In the last thread @phillpower2 mentioned about your drivers.
Did you download the drivers from the MSI web site.
If yes do you still have them?.

I dont have them as i was never instructed to re install for the problem fix. However i have found them on the MSI website. Is it the Windows 11 drivers i would want? as i am installing fresh straight to Windows 11.

Before you connect to the internet you install your drivers as per @phillpower2 instructions.

When running the install you and you get to the part Where to install Windows
Highlight each partition and delete.
Then install on the unallocated space. And let Windows sort out the partitions. Pics below

Then when the drivers are all installed you can connect the two (2) other drives - Power off first.
connect to the internet and activate Windows 11.

So i install Windows 11 offline via the relevant method. Then the drivers from MSI, which have slightly specific names, the chipset and graphics driver are obvious, i attatched a screenshot with my understanding of order just to clarify this. This leaves me with LAN drivers and On Board Audio drivers, can these just be installed in any order after the priority 3? or are they not relevant ?

I understand deleting the partitons alright, and i will not delete the USB partition.

With my SATA drives, there is no OS data on them. before beginning the install, i will format these via 'This PC' and then unplug them after shut down. is this ok to do?

I booted from the usb and installed Windows 11 without internet.
Is this a prompted part of the process once it begins? or do i start the whole process by selecting to boot from the Windows 11 USB at start up ?

Also I notice that on the install you have to remove the usb when it is doing the first reboot
otherwise it will ask you if this is an upgrade or a fresh install.
If you choose a fresh install the you are back to square one and will be in a loop.
Just to clarify on this, is it obvious when i have to pull the USB out? For example, will it give me info to say its about to reboot, or do i just have to be quick to whip it out when it does begin?

Finally, my BIOS version is about a year out of date, should i update this as part of this job? If yes, should that be done before or after Windows 11?

Thats about all i can think to ask, sorry for the vast amount of questions that may overlap bits of what you already mentioned, this way is just easier clarification in my mind. The last time i installed an OS myslef was nearly 10 years ago and i definitely did it the lazy way.


I missed the edit window, apologies for a double post. I forgot to ask, can i load up all the MSI drivers onto the same USB at once? or do i do them separately?

I have a separate USB stick for the Windows 11 boot drive, and one for BIOS updates.
can i load up all the MSI drivers onto the same USB at once? or do i do them separately?
Step 1) Download the windows 11 creation tool and choose the option to make an install for another machine
This will delete all the data on the usb stick.
Step 2) Create a driver folder on the usb after the tool is finished.
Step 3) Download all the drivers and put them in that folder.
or do i start the whole process by selecting to boot from the Windows 11 USB at start up ?
Yes set the bios to boot from usb or first try F11 to see if you get a boot option.
So i install Windows 11 offline via the relevant method
To do this unplug any network cables.
At the Setup network page press Shift and F10 keys together. This should give a command prompt.
Click on the command window and type in OOBE\BYPASSNRO press enter key (you do not have to type in capslock).
This will reboot the computer. You then continue from the pick a country and when you get back to the network page
you will have the option to select I do no have internet.
Pics here if needed.
With my SATA drives, there is no OS data on them. before beginning the install, i will format these via 'This PC' and then unplug them after shut down. is this ok to do?
Just to clarify on this, is it obvious when i have to pull the USB out?
Watch the screen and do it on the first reboot.
So i install Windows 11 offline via the relevant method. Then the drivers from MSI, which have slightly specific names, the chipset and graphics driver are obvious, i attatched a screenshot with my understanding of order just to clarify this
I will tag @phillpower2 he has a canned speech on how to do this.
Finally, my BIOS version is about a year out of date, should i update this as part of this job? If yes, should that be done before or after Windows 11?
If it installs windows 11 without any problems then why fix what isn't broken?
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Thanks alot for the replies Peter. I'm happy with all instructions given.

I have the Driver installation order canned speech from Phil saved, but il hold off on doing anything yet just incase you meant a different one.

Final question - after windows and the important drivers are installed, will carrying out future windows updates affect or try to overwrite the drivers i installed myself?
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I have the Driver installation order canned speech from Phil saved, but il hold off on doing anything yet just incase you meant a different one.
That is the one.
Final question - after windows and the important drivers are installed, will carrying out future windows updates affect or try to overwrite the drivers i installed myself?
Should not. However have a look at this.
Did you make a system image?
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Forgot to add, i read the guide about disabling driver updates from windows updates.
Will also do that before I connect to the Internet, thanks.
Hi, sorry for the long wait of an update, I struggle to get much time over the weekend.

Windows 11 is installed, all running as it should. Everything went smoothly thanks to the instructions provided here, all drivers installed and up to date etc.

PC is running slightly better than before, lower CPU idle temps also, maybe unrelated but a nice bonus.

Once again I appreciate all help and advice given. This is fine to mark as resolved.
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