Upgrade questions!

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PCHF Member
Jul 22, 2019
Hello everyone and first of all thank you for your future atention and answers.
So, I have a ROG Laptop, Asus GL552VX the i7 6700 hq 8gb ram (2133mhz) nVidia geforce 950m. 1TB HDD.
Can somebody tell me if I upgrade to a M2 SSD, a 1 TB SSD and 32gb ram 2666mhz, how much will improve my gaming performance!? And if yes can somebody PLEASE be a little bit explanatory.
I ask this because reading other forums I understand that the 950m has shared memory with the RAM so I wonder if upgradin the MHZ and the quantity of ram if it gives me a little bit of boost, also as I know an SSD will improve the reading of game files so it pushes it a bit.
Also, can I overclock my cpu?
P. S. I don't care about battery life performance cause I pluged it out so it's on constant electricity.
P. S. 2 Sorry if I did any grammatical errors, my english is not that good.
P. S. 3 Please avoid the typical "buy a pc" etc etc etc I can only stick with the upgrade for now.
Thank you all again, waiting for your replys.
not sure if any one can give you actual figures, it's all too subjective to estimate with any certainty.

going from HDD to SSD will all but eliminate I/O bottlenecks.
increasing from 8GB to 32GB will allow more stuff to be cached, and shared with your GPU.

but at the end of the day, you will only be as fast as your slowest link, and that will end up being your graphics card.

storage (RAM or SSD) is as cheap right now as it's ever been, so you will can a good, noticable improvement for as little outlay as possible.
I ordered the upgrades online, just waiting for them to arrive, I still wait for someone to tell me if I can overclock the CPU and the GPU of my laptop. Greetings.
as along as the options are there in the BIOS, yes you can overclock it.
but being a laptop, increasing the clock speeds equates to higher temps and there is no room to improve your airflow.
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it wouldn't hurt, but how much it would help I cannot say.
all the heat generating components live inside and laptops only have intake vents underneath the unit so one of those USB powered, elevated platforms with a built-in fan blowing directly into the intake vent would probably be the best option.
So basically for the moment I'm using my laptop as a desktop attached to an external monitor etc, I can try to build a DIY fan case maybe? Like removing all the external plastics for better airflow? It will work? P. S. I'm using this configuration because I had to, the laptop monitor got broken so I had to improvise, I'm gathering all my resources to implement this temporary setup for a few months, after all it will still remain a good memory for me right?
depending on how much you over-clock it, you may not need the extra heat dissipation.
if you generate too much heat, the laptop will shut down to protect itself.
if that happens then you can worry about setting up some sort of extra cooling.
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