Solved Upgrade or Start from Scratch?

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PCHF Member
Dec 31, 2019
My brother built a pc in 2014 or 2015 with these specs:
motherboard - ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0
power supply - Rosewill Green Series RG630-S12 630W
cpu - AMD FX-6300 Six-Core (6 threads - 3.5 GHz)
gpu - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 (2 GB VRAM)
RAM - 8 GB (G. SKILL PC3-12800 (DDR3-1600) 4GB Memory
I would like a pc that is able to run smaller games like Fortnite, PUBG, Overwatch, Minecraft, Terraria etc. I dont need a pc that can do anything crazy, just run games smoothly with decent frame rate. Should I build a brand new pc or is it worth it to upgrade this one? If so, what components would you recommend I replace, and what are some good cheap parts I can buy to replace them?
Welcome to PCHF Nil_Skrzypczak,

For your intended use there are only two components that I would replace, the add on GPU and the PSU.

Let us know your maximum budget and we can suggest both for you.
Thank you for replying.
My budget for just these two parts would be around $200 range give or take. No more than $250.
You are welcome :)

I know that the two max out your budget but for a new high end GPU you need a Gold efficiency rated PSU to support it, the Rosewill that you have atm even if out of the box new would not be up to the task.

Enjoy your upgrades and you know where we are should you need us (y)
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