Upgrade help for returning gamer!!

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PCHF Member
Mar 3, 2020
Hello all, my first post on here so please bare with me, I’ve recently returned to pc from Xbox after a long time and I wanna upgrade my pc bit by bit.. currently running

asrock fm2a88m extreme4+
16GB of Kingston DDR3 RAM
AmD Athlon X4 760k 3.8GHz
Radeon HD 7850
Corsair 450 80plus

just would love some help on what to upgrade CPU too and also Graphics card? I don’t play anything to extreme, just CSGo and CoD and sometimes FM2020 but would like to broaden my horizon

have roughly £150 to spend on upgrades perhaps a little more!

any advice would be appreciated.
Regards Rob
there has been some architectural, generational changes in PC hardware since that PC was built.
upgrading the CPU will most likely force you to upgrade the motherboard, which in turn, will probably make you upgrade the RAM.
you can still get DDR3 motherboards but also getting the CPU combo is going to be the thing.
also that power supply would be better with at least 550 or 600 watts.

let's face it, once you can, you will start playing higher and higher demanding games - it's a vicious circle.
it all depends on where you see the PC and your gaming needs in 2 or 3 years - and that is the 64 million dollar question.
there has been some architectural, generational changes in PC hardware since that PC was built.
upgrading the CPU will most likely force you to upgrade the motherboard, which in turn, will probably make you upgrade the RAM.
you can still get DDR3 motherboards but also getting the CPU combo is going to be the thing.
also that power supply would be better with at least 550 or 600 watts.

let's face it, once you can, you will start playing higher and higher demanding games - it's a vicious circle.
it all depends on where you see the PC and your gaming needs in 2 or 3 years - and that is the 64 million dollar question.

ah I see, I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

is there a starter rig out there for around £200 to get me started? As I assume prebuilt systems are still terrible bang for your buck? I don’t mind spending the money on a new system as pc gaming is the direction I would like to go!
you need to visit some PC websites to get a feel for the money you should be thinking about.
obviously you can buy over the top specs or ones that barely meet your current needs. it's all budget driven.
sounds like you think you may be starting small but eventually getting into bigger and better games - which directly equates to bigger and better hardware and, you guessed it, bigger £££.

honestly, your initial cost of £150 for upgrading parts, and now £200 for a starter rig just isn't even in the ball park of where you should be aiming.
if all you were after was Word processing, Emails, web search, printing - that sort of office usage, everyday workload stuff, a £300-400 rig is somewhere you'd be looking at.

but gaming, with a decent video card, good CPU, powerful power supply, nice memory and a solid state drive - you need to expand your budget to the area of £800, and even that may not be enough for the latest games and who knows what hardware will be needed for the games just around the corner. and let's face it, gamers being gamers and looking for any edge they can get, you then start investing in good keyboards and mouses, not to mention headsets, dual monitors, 5.1 sound systems.

this is the main reason I've stuck to gaming consoles, every game that gets released has to work on the original platform.
my son went PC gaming and everytime he bought a new game, sucker me had to buy a new video card.
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