Unable to complete windows update after having it installed on new SSD

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PCHF Member
Feb 13, 2022
Unable to complete windows update after having it installed on new SSD


I've been unable to complete the windows updates since ca november 2021, when i had a shop clean my stationary computer and install a new SSD M.2. I wanted this new SSD to be my main disk and have windows installed on it.
I currently have these physical discs installed:
1x 1TB SSD M.2 (the one mentioned) (C: )
1x 235GB SSD ("the old C:") (E: )
1x 2TB HDD (just a big boy for stuff) (D: )

Then in addition to those, after this trip to the shop and installment of the new disc, i have these discs:
1x 499MB with 436MB free space (F: )
1x 95MB with 68,8MB free space (G: )
1x 533 with 93,5MB free space (H: )

I talked to the shop when i noticed i couldn't complete the updates to ask what they had done during the "moving of windows", and they have "mirrored" the old C: drive onto the new one. This apparently isn't the optimal way to do this, as far as i have understood. They have offered to check it out, but id rather fix it myself if i can.
So i have googled and tried different things, like "Mark partition as active" as is suggested a lot of places. It all usually ends up with it asking for a restart to complete whatever proces im trying to do. That results in the pc to try the pending update - which fails, and "redo changes" and thats where it stops.

I have downloaded AOMEI Partition Assistant to try to organize the drives but im kind of out of my depth here...

Anyone have suggestions for what the problem could be or even better, how to solve it?
I would be doing the following...

using Windows Media Creation Tool and using that to create a bootable USB stick.
I would then unplug all the drives except for the new SSD, onto which gets the latest Windows version, from the USB stick, as a clean install.
one of the first windows that you'll get during the install is a list of partitions already on the new SSD, I'd take that opportunity to delete all off them.
Windows will then create whatever it needs as it deems fit.

Once done, then download and install the drivers for the motherboard.
then see if Windows Updates work.

if all good, then reconnect the other drives.
then reboot and get into BIOS settings to double check the new SSD is still the first boot device.
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