So I have been having an ongoing problem with my video editing program taking around 5 minutes to load ( I posted a thread abiout it months agao and thought I had solved it, but I didn't.), after reintalling it and clicking it again, it was taking forever to load. I checked Task Manager and it showed the program was taking up 0% of cpu, and 4mb of memory while loading, I right clicked it and selected go to details, on that page there is a column called UAC Virtualization, it showed Disabled, so I right clicked it and in the context menu clicked UAC Virtualization, and then the program loaded immediately. I have closed and opened the program about 6 times now and it loads immediately. Although I'm not sure how it will act in a day or two, if it will start messing up again, but for now it seems like enabling UAC Virtuaslization allows it to load right away. Does anyone know what this is and why it is? I noticed other programs like Malwarebytes, for example, UAC Virtualization is also disabled.