Solved Tower not starting up.

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Dec 7, 2022
Howdy . A while back I requested help when my tower did not start up after being away for a couple monts. Long story short , I was given excellent advice to pull the watch battery and put back in . I did and it worked! This time same story , I pulled battery it was dead so I replaced with new battery but this time not booting up. As I look inside the fans are spinning and all. I am noticing keyboard not lighting up .Any help would be appreciated , thank you kindly.
What are the specs of the system?

Are there any lights on the motherboard (Usually green, red, yellow, white, etc.) are they lit up?

If you have a dedicated GPU, are your video cables plugged into it?

Did you remove anything or fiddle with any power connected when you changed the battery?
Howdy. Im not sure of the specs , its old , it has 2 graphic drivers. Only light I see is the light on the power button , I will look inside with power on . Yes a while back I did fiddle , I think I just tried to push everything down because it wasnt booting up . But I did not remove anything with battery exchange, just pulled the power plug and then pushed power button to remove static or whatever that is and replaced battery.
Ironically after reading the last couple posts, I then took the tower outside to the light and pushed on all connections and used another new watch battery and it started right up. :giggle: Thank you for your kindness . Can close it.
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