Toshiba Laptop problem

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PCHF Member
May 9, 2018
I'm having a serious problem with my laptop. Everything was working fine yesterday, but when I turned it on this morning, instead of booting up like normally I just get a black screen saying "No Bootable Device -- Please restart system". Well, I've reset the PC dozens of times throughout the day, and it hasn't seemed to work. I tried to find a solution online myself, but the only thing I could find was to hold the 0 key while turning the PC on, and it should do something, but when I do that, nothing happens. It still just goes to the "No Bootable Device" message. I'm at my wit's end. I depend on my PC for my daily life, so this is incredibly frustrating and stressful. Does anyone know what the problem could be?
Just in case you haven’t been down this road already.... make sure no CD’s or USB sticks or external drives are plugged in.
Any chance you can hear the hard drive (if it’s the older mechanical ones) either with the usual ‘nice’ whizzes and whirs or the bad ‘click of death’?
The key you need to press as the PC starts is usually the F2, Esc, Del or F10 key (to name the common ones) but it changes per brand sometimes. But that will only get you into the BIOS menu system, not into Windows or your personal files. From BIOS you can see if the hard drive is detected, it sounds like you are looking at a failed drive - so prepare yourself for some sad times ahead if you have no system image or backups of your data.:oops:
While we wait for others to assist, can I ask if you indeed have ANY system backups?

I don't. I've never had any usb devices or whatever else you'd need for that. I know there's a strong possibility that I'll lose everything, but at this stage I just want the PC working again. I'll get over the lost data in time (even though the thought of it is super depressing), but having no PC at all is a much scarier thought.

Just in case you haven’t been down this road already.... make sure no CD’s or USB sticks or external drives are plugged in.
Any chance you can hear the hard drive (if it’s the older mechanical ones) either with the usual ‘nice’ whizzes and whirs or the bad ‘click of death’?
The key you need to press as the PC starts is usually the F2, Esc, Del or F10 key (to name the common ones) but it changes per brand sometimes. But that will only get you into the BIOS menu system, not into Windows or your personal files. From BIOS you can see if the hard drive is detected, it sounds like you are looking at a failed drive - so prepare yourself for some sad times ahead if you have no system image or backups of your data.

I have nothing plugged into the PC. I had nothing but a mouse, anyway. The PC isn't making any odd noises that I can tell.

I managed to get into the bios by holding F2, but I don't really know what to do there.
Any update? This thread will be closed if not replied to within 48hrs.
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