Too long, didn't watch? YouTube's AI chatbot will answer your questions about the video

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PCHF Tech News
Jan 10, 2015
Have a question about a YouTube video you didn't understand or just didn't want to sit through? You can ask the AI chatbot rolling out from the video platform to answer all those questions, at least if you're a Premium subscriber on an Android device. The AI, likely fueled by Google's Gemini AI models, can summarize and expand upon any aspect of the video on your screen, like a friend who just memorized every video on the platform.

The chatbot incorporates AI into your viewing on the YouTube app through a card in the comments section. You can swipe through them to find the Ask card, opening up a place for texting with the chatbot. There, you can ask for a summary or engage in a conversation about the video. YouTube envisions people asking the AI to explain what the video is about, clarify any details, and recommend more videos. Theoretically, it could help video creators who would otherwise have to moderate the comment section for people asking questions or looking for more information.

AI Video Expertise​

The chatbot fits right into both YouTube and Google's overall strategy to make Gemini-powered AI tools ubiquitous in your life, especially on your smartphone. YouTube has released or is working on releasing features like AI-powered chatbots mimicking famous people and fictional characters and a tool to help you skip to the most popular part of a video.

That's on top of the avalanche of creator AI features like an AI music generator, which ties together with one that can remove copyrighted music from your video without taking it down completely. You can even ask an AI chatbot for inspiration for your next video and use the upcoming Dream Screen AI to create backgrounds for the video. At the rate Google is moving, AI will become as central to making and watching videos on YouTube as the standard plea to like and subscribe heard at the end of 99% of videos on the platform.

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