.tmp files replacing original file

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Gabriel Gnagarn

PCHF Member
Jun 29, 2017

I've had this trouble for a while. Basically sometimes when I save down my excel files it sometimes saves as a .tmp file and the original file gets removed. Often I'm able to recover the original file by changing the ending of the name on the .tmp file to .xls. However in some cases this doesn't work and all work is lost. So therefore I've had to create back up files regularly.

I work in a small office and we have all files on shared place, I think this has something to do with the problem. Because when I'm not at the office and my colleague is there alone it never happens. This is starting to annoying me, so would really appreciate your help. Thank you in advance!
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Thank you Dougie!
But the problem is not to recover the files, it's more to prevent it from happening. Why is it happening and is there anyway to prevent this? As I said, when my colleague is alone in the office it never happens, only when we are working in the shared place, where we save all files, at the same time.
As I said, when my colleague is alone in the office it never happens, only when we are working in the shared place, where we save all files, at the same time.
Here is the problem if you both are working on the same file at the same time whom ever save the file last saves it and the other gets bumped to the temp file.
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Here is the problem if you both are working on the same file at the same time whom ever save the file last saves it and the other gets bumped to the temp file.
Thanks for your reply! However, we can't work in the same file at the same time. When it's open the other person can't open it. But we can work in the same folders and such, if that has anything to do with it?
Then you need to make sure that the setting in Excel are correct for saving and file locations.

Will it save the file correctly if it is saved in a different location?
How do I know if the saving settings are correct? I have the same settings as my colleague. Files saved on another location which is not shared seem to be saved fine.
I've read a little, and the .tmp files are supposed to be removed when closing and saving the file. But for us it seems like the original file is removed instead, and the .tmp file is still there. Like it's removing the wrong file? Could this be possible?

I also read something about that it could be the anti-virus programme. We use Panda Endpoint Protection, if you guys know if that can cause any problems like this?
Are you saving the file on a shared Drive on a System or a Server or the Cloud?

also read something about that it could be the anti-virus programme. We use Panda Endpoint Protection, if you guys know if that can cause any problems like this?
This is a possibility you can disable Panda and see if it continues. You should also check the setting for Panda to make sure it is allowing proper access for the two systems?

I think this has something to do with the problem. Because when I'm not at the office and my colleague is there alone it never happens.
This can also be caused by a misconfiguration with in the network sharing configuration. You should contact you IT department and have them check it since any information we provide could void any contracts you may have.

How do I know if the saving settings are correct? I have the same settings as my colleague. Files saved on another location which is not shared seem to be saved fine.
You will have to check the setting in Excel.
With excel open go into Excel Options
On the left side click Save
Check to make sure that the AutoRecover File Location
Is different form the Default file Location

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