Time's up for Windows 11 21H2 and 22H2: Microsoft's final call before its next Patch Tuesday mandatory update to 23H2

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PCHF Tech News
Jan 10, 2015
If you’re still using Windows 11 version 21H2 or 22H2, watch out: your device is due for a force update to Windows 11 23H2, the last major update to the operating system released in October 2023. Microsoft has released a 30-day reminder in the Windows message center to inform users of End of Service (EoS) for these Windows versions.

If you don’t update your device to 23H2 on your own and you have automatic updates turned on (which is by default), an automatic update will prompt the installation of 23H2 on Patch Tuesday (October 8, 2024). Patch Tuesday is Microsoft’s monthly update to address bugs and vulnerabilities and sometimes to deliver new features and other OS changes. If you don't install this, your version of Windows 11 could become outdated and be left potentially vulnerable to new security threats.

It’s crucial to make sure your device is protected, so it’s highly recommended that you update your device to 23H2 to ensure your device stays secure.

Microsoft notes in the reminder message that the October patch “will be the last update available for these editions” and that after that date, “devices running these editions will no longer receive monthly security and preview updates containing protections from the latest security threats” - in other words, this ‘forced’ update is ultimately being done in the name of security.

A man holding an iPhone and sitting at a table with a laptop, his top head out of frame

(Image credit: Shutterstock/sergey causelove)

What happens when you update to Windows 11 23H2​

Many Windows 11 users would probably agree that the OS has room for improvement, but Microsoft continues to make changes and adjustments to Windows 11. Most of these are generally to try and make using Windows 11 a better experience, though unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. As Neowin recently noted, “Recent performance testing has shown that even a seemingly good Windows 11 installation can lead to a lot of performance loss, even though nothing appears to be the issue.”

We are also expecting the arrival of Windows 11 24H2, the next major update for the OS, any day now, and if you want the newest major improvements and features that Microsoft intends to add to the operating system. 23H2 is a more tested version, having been out for nearly a year and widely rolled out in July of this year.

Ultimately, whether you choose to let your device be updated to 23H2 or 24H2, make sure your device is updated. While updates can be annoying, this is a big one and you don't want your device to be left vulnerable to external threats.


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