Greetings! I have a problem with any browser that every site besides says this can't be reached although I do have internet and the computer that I am using is the only device that has this problem. This problem occurs on different routers as I've tried in a friend of mine's place. Sometimes I do get the pages to load.
Things I have tried:
Different dnss, flushing dns, reinstalling things, resetting browser, clearing cache, and some other methods.
Nothing seems to work. I also have a green border around all of my browsers although I do not have an antivirus so there is no sandbox mode.
Things I have tried:
Different dnss, flushing dns, reinstalling things, resetting browser, clearing cache, and some other methods.
Nothing seems to work. I also have a green border around all of my browsers although I do not have an antivirus so there is no sandbox mode.