Suddenly slow

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PCHF Member
Sep 24, 2022
Yesterday i was using my laptop as usual with no issues, however i checked my task manager and saw that lenovo vantage was using a lot of CPU power, considering i dont use Lenovo vantage and i wanted as much CPU free as possible as my laptop isnt amazing anyway, i looked it up in case it would cause any problems and i then deleted the software. The rest of the night it was running smoothly however upon logging on earlier today my computer was extremely slow. This was unusual as my computer is capable of the everyday things and this has never happened before. I cant even open up google without it taking about 5 minutes. i am also unable to open many other applications i have installed and all of my desktop icons now have no path. I have checked for updates, new drivers, and troubleshooted through the safety startup menu type of thing. I have looked it up and i cant find anything. I have also realised that when logging in to other user accounts, none of them have the same problem, only the account i was using last night. It has become unusable. What do i do?!
Let's get some more information:

Download and run speccy.

Once you have ran speccy, follow the instructions to upload a snapshot found here.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

  1. In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.
  2. In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.
  3. Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot dialog box. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

------------------------------------------------------- Do this before moving on to the steps below -------------------------------------------------------

This is my laundry list, it's a good starting point for troubleshooting and should get you an idea what's going on:

1. Try running the following programs, also try to keep at least 20-25% of your disks as free space.

Run Disk Cleanup (check all the boxes) this will delete things such as your recycling bin, so make sure you don't have any files you want to keep.

Run Defragment and Optimize Drives, run this on your drives.

2. Disable any overclocking or changes to power/performance settings

Turn off XMP/any overclocking you may have done (if any)

Settings > System > Power and sleep > Additional power settings
Make sure your power plan is set to balanced, anything else could tamper with the wrong settings and cause issues.

3. Check for Operating System Corruption

Right click on the Windows logo in the bottom left and select Windows Powershell (Admin)
Run these three commands separately:

sfc /scannow

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

These will take a while to run, do not close out of Powershell while they are running, if one fails then move onto the next and then loop back around.

Note: It doesn't hurt to make a system backup before you make all these changes, save any important files of folders. While these changes shouldn't cause any issues, better to be safe than sorry.

4. Unplug unnecessary devices.

If you have a gamepad, extra monitor, external hard drive/flash drive, or anything that is not essential to using the computer plugged in, unplug it.

Once you have completed all of these tasks, restart it (using the restart option in the power menu) and re-test.
and if none of that helps, you could always make another user profile, log in on that, then go to C:\users\{old profile}, and move the Desktop, Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Music, and Video folders over to the new profile.

whatever works. :)
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