Sudden Frame Drop

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PCHF Member
Apr 11, 2019
I have a Asus ROG Strix 2 GL50GM with i7 8750, Nvidia 1060 6 gb and 16 gb ram. It should run all the games smoothly.
But I get sudden frame drops as soon as I start playing games like Farcry 4, Need for speed payback etc. It usually runs these games in 70-80 fps.But it regularly drops to 15-20.There is no heating problem.Sometime it runs fine. When ever I play on battery it keeps 30fps locked. How can I fix this?
Can anyone help me?
You can ask me more questions if I'm not clear.
Welcome to PCHF Wasif,

FPS drops when gaming online is often a sign of a poor internet connection, this can be down to the specification of service that is being paid for and the amount of traffic using the service at the time, peak times the service will suffer but in the middle of the night it will improve.

The other thing that you mention, it is normal for the performance to drop when on battery power only as that is how gaming computers are designed, the dedicated video chip in the computer requires the extra juice from the AC adaptor, this is done to prolong battery life, please note that gaming notebooks that have both a dedicated video chip and video on die from the CPU when on battery only power will switch to the CPU graphics solution, this again to prolong the notebooks battery life.

Edit to add: With your AC adaptor powering the notebook, check your FPS with Valley free, this will give you a better idea of how the GPU is working when not gaming online.
My point wasn't about that.I play offline games and that particular frame rate drop (like 80 to 15) doesn't happen when I'm on battery. It keeps a healthy 30 fps rate .it doesn't go under 25 fpss where's to drops 15 fps regularly while plugged in ...... and for you information my laptop is a gaming laptop.Sometime it works completely fine.But this happens in most of the cases
Edit to add: With your AC adaptor powering the notebook, check your FPS with Valley free, this will give you a better idea of how the GPU is working when not gaming online.
Never asked you about Geforce experience, a screenshot of any Valley benchmark results is what we could do with and fwiw many folk refer to Geforce experience as "bad experience"
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