Stuck WiFi

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Hello Eddie

Hopefully more of our members will chime in soon. One question,have you downloaded any app's prior to this issue?

Have you tried powering off and on your netbook ?

Otherwise could be some hardware like wifi antenna come loose. Better to take in for repairs
Tried Off & On but didn't work. This Sat. It'll be taken into MicroCenter to see if they'll be able to repair it. If not, I might get a new one or an upgraded one like 4.2 or 4.4.
Tried Off & On but didn't work. This Sat. It'll be taken into MicroCenter to see if they'll be able to repair it. If not, I might get a new one or an upgraded one like 4.2 or 4.4.
Why not get one with 8.0 (Oreo) on it and not waste you time with anything lower.

From with in the WiFi under Settings are you tapping or sliding the WiFi to the on position?
Some time I have to slide it other times I can just tap it to get it to switch.
I tried the slider but it stays in the ON position for a minute then goes back to the OFF position. I would like to get the Oreo version but I'm only going to get a tad more then $50 to replace it & it seems like the 4.x versions are cheaper then Oreo.
Aptoide & 1Mobile Market still supports 5.x & 4.x versions & I did notice that some apps on Google Play are still compatible w/ 5.x & 4.x versions.
Btw, I don't mean to argue this out. :)
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