Stuck on this menu

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PCHF Member
Jun 30, 2022
my Pc is stuck on this menu, it won’t boot.

Since @Pyro helped me last time, I guess this is the best for help.

this is what it’s stuck on

None of the options work, if I click tab, nothing happens, even if I spam as soon as I power on the Pc. It’s probably because that’s my second monitor, but how do I make the options where it says ‘tab to switch screen’ on my main monitor if clicking tab does nothing?
Press Del or F2 and look at what is set as your Boot Drive.

Unplug all other devices again, monitors, extra drives, etc.
My apologies,

the fog of text chat can be dense at times.

Bruce is absolutely right in his suggestion, I stand by unplugging all unnecessary extras, but on top of that, clearing the CMOS to reset the BIOS settings might be worth a shot.
My apologies,

the fog of text chat can be dense at times.

Bruce is absolutely right in his suggestion, I stand by unplugging all unnecessary extras, but on top of that, clearing the CMOS to reset the BIOS settings might be worth a shot.
I did that, the same issue still occurs
Got it to boot after unplugging everything. Now that my computer is on, what can I do to make the options that say ‘click [button] to go to bios’, appear on my main monitor? I’m not sure if this is important, but when logging into windows, the login screen appears on my second monitor, how can I fix this aswell?
If I'm getting any idea of the problem, it's something your have plugged in, I'd avoid any extra bits and bobs unless necessary.

To find out your primary monitor, Settings > System > Display

Identify the proper display by clicking the Identify button and click the display in the box above. Once you have done that, scroll down and make sure that the "Make this my main display" box is checked. If it is and the display is still not showing up as your primary display, swap the display cords at the GPU and see if that makes a difference.
‘Make this my main display’ option didn’t work, when I tried to restart my computer, I’m stuck on a screen that says ‘Getting windows ready, don’t turn off your computer’, what do I do now?
sounds like your Windows installation is corrupted, probably due to faulty hard drive.
which is probably also why the first screen shows, asking to press F2 or F10 etc, has it cannot detect your drive, so cannot go any further.
What can I do to fix this? If it helps, my windows is installed on my ssd.
sounds like your Windows installation is corrupted, probably due to faulty hard drive.
which is probably also why the first screen shows, asking to press F2 or F10 etc, has it cannot detect your drive, so cannot go any further.
best test is to pull out the boot drive (the SSD in your case) and try another drive.
so yeah, that'll mean getting your hands on another drive and installing Windows - in itself, a good test of the 'new' drive.
I wasn’t able to get my hands on a new drive but I’m not sure what you mean. Do you mean a new ssd? Or just a new installation of windows?
Another drive altogether, whether new or used, simply to prove the point that it could be your current drive causing the problem.
if the issue is drive related, and from what you have described, the drive is top of my list, then Yes, it's the next logical thing to try.
on my main monitor if clicking tab does nothing?
Not trying to be a pedant.
You do not click on anything you press the tab key
appear on my main monitor
Only have main monitor connected until problem is solved

Problem could be SSD or flat cmos battery.

If you have a spare thumb drive try Ubuntu NO install needed

Or here is a Youtube on how to make the usb

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Copy your data to an external drive or another computer/nas.

Insert the usb or cd/dvd and boot your system. You may have to change bios settings to boot from the usb or cd/dvd(every computer is different) We can help with this.

When the computer boots choose TRY UBUNTU and let the system boot.
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