Stuck in windows menuloop (Bootkey) Help!

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PCHF Member
May 7, 2021
Hello. so my friend is stuck in a loop after resetting his pc, it became a problem because every time he clicked on system recovery but when clicks he gets back to the menu again. i think its a virus that got undetected and that virus moved to the system files, apparently he sees a razer installation which shouldnt be there i think. ill awnser to questions and solutions.
I'd be using the big hammer and installing a fresh version of Win10.
either use the Windows Media Creation Tool and make a bootable USB stick image and load from that, or as you see the Windows splash screen start to roll, push the power button in for 5 seconds to force a restart.
do this a couple of times then let it try to boot, you should see something like "Windows couldn't start, please wait" and it'll take you into the Advandced Startup Options menu where you go into Advanced settings and can reload keeping personal files, or reload from scratch.

he has a backup of all his personal files doesn't he? (like we all know what that answer will be!!) :unsure:
I'd be using the big hammer and installing a fresh version of Win10.
either use the Windows Media Creation Tool and make a bootable USB stick image and load from that, or as you see the Windows splash screen start to roll, push the power button in for 5 seconds to force a restart.
do this a couple of times then let it try to boot, you should see something like "Windows couldn't start, please wait" and it'll take you into the Advandced Startup Options menu where you go into Advanced settings and can reload keeping personal files, or reload from scratch.

he has a backup of all his personal files doesn't he? (like we all know what that answer will be!!) :unsure:
thats the thing, he gets to the boot menu (advanced startup options) but when he clicks for example backup files or something then he will get back to the menu like nothing happened
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