Solved Strange GTA V problem...

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PCHF Member
Mar 9, 2018
50 spec:

MB - ASRock Z390 Phantom Gaming 4S
CPU - Intel Core i7 9700KF (3.6GHz)
GPU - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super
RAM - 32 GB DDR4-3600

When I play GTA V, I get stuttering...especially when driving. Where it gets stranger is when I use any of the characters special abilities, I start to lose textures and graphics all together. Basically I'm left with gray blocks or just sky underneath me. As soon as I turn off the special ability, everything comes back to normal. I've also noticed that a lot of the graphics are late to rendering the faster I drive. Distant trees will look like mesh or tiny grids/boxes. To add another curveball, this is only in Story Mode. Online Mode works least comparatively. I have all the settings on the lowest they can be that I am aware of. I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling the game, made sure drivers are up to date. I have tried various gpu settings in and out of the game. I made sure no background processes were running that would interrupt. I set game to high priority. You name it, I've probably tried it.

I also play Borderlands 2 and WoW. Both of those games play flawlessly with out a single problem. It just seems to be this game and only certain aspects. I really appreciate the time and hope maybe you guys can shed some light on what might be going on. Thanks!
The game is up to date to the best of my knowledge. It runs through Steam, and it keeps games updated. I am running Windows 10 Pro.
Windows is up to date. I’m not sure if the brand of my psu, but I do know it’s 750 watts. I can check on that and the updates this evening when I get home. version of Windows is 10.0.18363. My PSU is buried in such a way that I will have to dismantle some stuff to find the brand name. If you still need this info, I can do that.
Sorry for the delay. I tried to play in clean boot mode, and it wouldn't even let me access the game. Rockstar could not connect. So, I reset and booted in regular mode and shut off all startup items except my audio driver. I also updated my gpu drivers. Now the game is running much smoother. The graphics are still blocky in the distance, but I think that has to do with all my settings being on the lowest I can set them (maybe). Driving is smooth again. However, now Trevors special ability is all messed up. It looks like blurred, static like lines across the whole screen.
Does raising the games settings have any effect on improving the visual quality of the game especially the draw distance?

Is this only happening with GTA V? Do other games play and render correctly?
I have tried increasing the settings, but haven't seen much of a difference in the distance issue. Most, not all, of the graphics don't render till being close to me. That being said, I'm still experimenting and trying to find the right settings. A lot of these settings I don't even understand what they are. To answer your question about other games....this is the only game I have problems with.
That has helped some of the graphics quite a bit. I'm still getting that weird distance issue, though. I'm not sure how to describe it. Things like walls and rocks and trees...from a distance (especially when driving fast) look like mesh. You see an outline of it and the where all the color and texture should be, there is a tight grid. I also have found the same problem in ARK.
Have you tried adjusting the video quality settings in the NVIDIA driver control panel to see if any of the video display settings are affecting the game?
Are you talking about the general NVIDIA setting or the 3D settings specific to GTA V?
I am talking about the NVIDIA settings in the NVIDIA control panel specific for the video card, not for GTA V.
I'm still messing with settings and combination of settings. I haven't found a legit solution as of yet, but I can say I have had improved quality and performance has greatly improved. I'm going to keep experimenting. Overall, the game is playable now (so far).
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