Static noise with new earphones (KZ ZS10 Pro)

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PCHF Member
May 26, 2022
I've just purchased a new pair of earphones because my old one died but in this one i hear static noise while having programs open (like discord, chrome and so on). The noise when I'm into a discord voicechat is always on, but if I quit the voice chat the noise disappears. Also the noise comes out when i listen to music and then pause it, i can hear the noise for a bunch of seconds and then stops. So it doesn't always produce static noise, just when then computer gives sound outputs. I get the noise also when I receive notifications on Windows, for 1/2 seconds after the sound. What could it be? The new earphones are the KZ ZS10 pro and they're plugged into a Creative Soundblast usb DAC (in any case, even if connected directly into my case jack, does the same noise).

So, summarizing: Static noise it's not always present, only when I open certain programs or a YouTube video and so on (I first hear like a little "pop/crackling" sound and then the white noise starts).

Hope you can help me since it's so frustrating!

Thank you.
any chance the cable may be picking up interference?
do you know if the cable is shielded or not?

try making the cable lie as far away as possible from potential electronic and magnetic sources, like your monitor, speakers, power cord etc.
any chance the cable may be picking up interference?
do you know if the cable is shielded or not?

try making the cable lie as far away as possible from potential electronic and magnetic sources, like your monitor, speakers, power cord etc.
It doesn't touch any surface, nor the case. It's connected to the front port of the case so it doesn't touch the computer entirely. (tried using a different port, even the ones from the mb, there's no difference).

I don't think it's the cable. The tastic noise would be there always otherwise.. In my case it popups only when the source has sound (like it does it even on Facebook, if I scroll the home page and there's a video, even if it's muted, it starts the static noise)
it was always a long shot.
but it's not the physical touching of that cable to anything else, but its mere proximity to something that could cause interference - that is, for the cable to pickup stray signals via induction.
but as stated - long shot that didn't pan out. :unsure:
@gengar714 - while we wait to see if anyone else has ideas, do you still need help?
Let's just say that no, I don't need more help.
I tried using a different earphones, a cheaper ones that had a lower impedance so they could get less static noise (in fact I cannot hear any with these) and I'm okay with that, even if I had to sacrifice some sound quality, but I couldn't find any answer and I really looked into all the web.
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