SSD Data Recovery on Dead Laptop

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PCHF Member
Dec 10, 2020
After eight long years, my MSI GT-70 Laptop finally just outright refused to power on. I tried all of the basic troubleshooting (remove/replace the battery pack, plugged in and started with power cord only, etc) and I think it just may be dead for good.

I was able to removed the HD and it plugs into my Desktop just fine, but is there a way that I could pull out the SSDs (which operate in tandem) and get the data off of those? I had a lot of stuff saved on there I kinda need access to. (SSDs circled in in red).

Is there a way I could resurrect my laptop? If not, is there a way I could retrieve the data from my SSDs?

Laptop runs Windows 7 and Desktop runs Windows 10, if that makes a difference.


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you could buy a mSATA external enclosure to put one into, they cost like $20.
but your hurdle is you'll be only accessing one drive at a time, so depending on the type of RAID, that could make data access impossible.
if MSI used their own proprietary RAID technology then your chances could be even worse.

if the RAID type was anything to do with striped arrays, you're basically buggered.
only RAID1 gives you an exact copy over all drives, so if it was setup as a mirrored array type, you should be fine.

was it setup for Windows and system files to be on the RAID and your personal data on the HDD?
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you could buy a mSATA external enclosure to put one into, they cost like $20.
but your hurdle is you'll be only accessing one drive at a time, so depending on the type of RAID, that could make data access impossible.
if MSI used their own proprietary RAID technology then your chances could be even worse.

if the RAID type was anything to do with striped arrays, you're basically buggered.
only RAID1 gives you an exact copy over all drives, so if it was setup as a mirrored array type, you should be fine.

was it setup for Windows and system files to be on the RAID and your personal data on the HDD?
Thanks! I found a mSATA to USB adapter for ten bucks, but it will only fit one SSD at a time. Will this be a problem? I believe that the SSDs work in RAID according to the description on the laptop. I know very little about software >_< If I plus them into the adapter to my Windows 10 Desktop to transfer files, will it still work?

To answer your questions, some of my files were on the 750 GB Hard drive, which I was able to remove and plug into my desktop and the files transferred just fine.. The SSDs had my OS on them (Windows 7) as well as all the other files I deem pretty important and haven't been able to back up.

Is there any other way to plug these things into another source and pull the files?


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RAID works on two or more drives.
only reading one is pointless if it used striped array as the data is spread over multiple drives.
unless you knew the RAID type, you'll just have to plug one into the adapter and see what it can read.
and if it used some sort of MSI hybrid RAID, only that laptop will be able to read those SSD's as one logical unit.

I'm assuming those important files were not baxcked up anywhere???
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