SSD c drive filling up

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PCHF Member
Oct 31, 2019
My son's pc has a 250gb SSD that was intended to be the boot drive. It still is, however he has inadvertently installed many other programs on to it, many of them gaming related. Is there a way to migrate those programs to other drives with out losing data or access?
Hi @Kendall21 and welcome to PCHF :) Happy Halloween too!

May I ask the brand of the SSD drive? The reason being is because if I know the brand of the SSD I can recommend some good tools for you to use :)
Do remember of course, if you move the programs to other NON ssd drives you will lose the speed advantage you gained with your existing ssd drive.
Is this a desktop computer with lots of expansion slots to add new drives or a laptop?

It may be time to upgrade and add another SSD drive to offload the apps and settings onto the seocndary drive.

You may find that the Program files uses very little data, the appdata (application data and settings) uses far more space.

My program files was 20GB, but the roaming and local folders in my appdata folder was 80GB.
Also try to reclaim some space by emptying the recycle bin, delete restore points, turn off hibernation, and then a cleaning tool like CCleaner to remove temp and junk files.

and be ruthless and uninstall old programs like games no longer played.

At the end of the day, that may be enough to limp along until the next ‘out of space’ message, eventually you will either have to micro manage the available space or get a bigger drive.
Is this a desktop computer with lots of expansion slots to add new drives or a laptop?

It may be time to upgrade and add another SSD drive to offload the apps and settings onto the seocndary drive.

You may find that the Program files uses very little data, the appdata (application data and settings) uses far more space.

My program files was 20GB, but the roaming and local folders in my appdata folder was 80GB.
Yes there is space to install more drives if required. Would appdata also be on the SSD?
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