Sound glitch in Bluetooth Earphones.

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Kartikeya Dwivedi

PCHF Member
Mar 6, 2022
I have windows 11 installed on my 11th Gen Corei5-11400H machine with 8 Gigs of RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD and a RTX 3050. Whenever I connect my Bluetooth earphones with the pc I receive normal audio, but problems arise in two situations:-
(i)Whenever I play a game involving voice chat I get this muffled underwater voices of the game, but the voices of other players online comes in clear, and i can also speak to them without any problem. Games like Valorant, PUBG, Warzone, Wolfenstein Youngblood create this problem.
(ii)Whenever i open OBS the audio becomes glitchy all over again. I get this audio which seems muffled and underwater, like the quality has been reduced drastically.

Please help. I did notice one thing: The recordings and streams through OBS have all normal voices(in-game + other players speaking).
Please someone tell me how to get rid of this, I have tried everything in my knowledge and the issue just seems to be abominable.

My Bluetooth Earphones : Boat Rockerz 255 Pro (PS I generally use wired ones but sometimes I want to play at a distance.)
Others may have more to check here are some places to start.

Does this only happen in game play, or does it happen when watching videos and or listening to music?

Have you installed the drivers/firmware for the Bluetooth device?

What is the Bluetooth device internal or USB?
(Make and Model)

Are there other Bluetooth devices that may be interfering?
Hi, thanks for replying to my thread.
Here is all the information you asked for.
1)It also happens when YouTube is playing in chrome and I connect the Bluetooth device, but it gets fixed after 5 secs.
2)Yes all my drivers/firmware are installed and up-to-date.
3)Bluetooth is inbuilt in my laptop device is this one 'BOAT ROCKERZ 255'
Thank you.

NOTE:I feel like the Bluetooth gives priority to the "On-top" applications or services (OBS and Voice chat)
since no-one has a suggestion for you, all I will add is ages ago I was getting 'echo' type sounds from my rig after upgrading the sound drivers and traced the issue to Dolby Surround sound enhancements.
turned that off and it all came good.
so perhaps delve deeper into your sound settings and see if you have anything along those lines.

let's see if we can get any other suggestions...
@PeterOz @georgeks @Bastet

let's get your PC specs...
download Speccy from here;
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
paste that link into a post.
One area Speccy doesn’t show is the Power Supply Unit, so also include the make/model of the PSU.
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Reactions: Kartikeya Dwivedi
I don’t online game so cannot offer specific advice.
Check within the Game’s settings for chat options, perhaps there’s something which requires enabling/disabling.
Are you sure the muffled sound isn’t intentional? I would’ve expected that when in use the in-game chat to be of a better quality while the in-game sounds be of lower quality. Do you have a wired headset that you can try or have you already done this?
since no-one has a suggestion for you, all I will add is ages ago I was getting 'echo' type sounds from my rig after upgrading the sound drivers and traced the issue to Dolby Surround sound enhancements.
turned that off and it all came good.
so perhaps delve deeper into your sound settings and see if you have anything along those lines.

let's see if we can get any other suggestions...
@PeterOz @georgeks @Bastet

let's get your PC specs...
download Speccy from here;
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
paste that link into a post.
One area Speccy doesn’t show is the Power Supply Unit, so also include the make/model of the PSU.
Thank you for the reply.
I have done everything possible within the sound settings but the results were negative.
My PC Specs :
Since this device is a laptop, so PSU should be my power adaptor.(IDK Pls ignore if wrong) : 180W, Model:A17-180P4A. Output :19.5V=9.23A
Thank You
I don’t online game so cannot offer specific advice.
Check within the Game’s settings for chat options, perhaps there’s something which requires enabling/disabling.
Are you sure the muffled sound isn’t intentional? I would’ve expected that when in use the in-game chat to be of a better quality while the in-game sounds be of lower quality. Do you have a wired headset that you can try or have you already done this?
Thank you for the reply.
My game settings were fine. By muffled what I actually meant was that the audio comes out like its bitrate is so low and quality is very bad,i.e. can't hear something normal or loud but the low volumes get amplified(footsteps in game) and also the audio has true treble and no bass, it is very shriek.
I tried wired headsets and it works fine I only get this problem when I connect the Bluetooth headsets.
Thank you.
Can you borrow another set of BT headphones & try them?
Have you tried an older Bluetooth driver?
Have the headphones always sounded like that during chat? If yes the problem may be the headphones themselves.
Can you borrow another set of BT headphones & try them?
Have you tried an older Bluetooth driver?
Have the headphones always sounded like that during chat? If yes the problem may be the headphones themselves.
Yes I have tried other headphones and the issue persists. Yes I have tried 3 years of Bluetooth drivers. And the headphones don't always sound like that on chat always, here I would like to elaborate:-
Whenever I play GTA V, the audio is glitched in loading screen and when the game has loaded, but what I found was that if i go in the in-game settings and turn off the voice chat, then the game hangs for a sec then the audio becomes normal...
So maybe after all, for in-game voice-chats I really have to use wired headphones.
Thank You.
seems like we are running out of ideas.

so the problem has always there there with these BT headphones since the first time you used them?

I'll give others another bump and see if they have any last words.

@PeterOz @Bastet @Rustys
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