Sony Vaio PCG-7L1M - Operating System Not Found / Disc Spinning

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PCHF Member
Jun 25, 2021

I wiped my old Sony Vaio laptop using Darik's Boot and Nuke - DBAN. Now i have the operating system not found and black screen. But i can access the BIOS.

However i cannot get a OS disk to load fully. I have tried Linux and Windows OS’s and the drive just spins disks / try’s to install. Some dics i can get the windows or Linux sign appear but thats all and will not carry on loading. Do i need a replacement drive? (I have cleaned lens still the same) or could it be someting else?

Desktop Environment
What Name (Mint, Arch)...


Installed via USB or DVD.

Have you tried installing Linux via USB and depending on what version of Windows have you tried USB.

How long have you let it sit there?

Are you trying to install 32 bit or 64 bit?
Thanks for replying, much appreaited

I have tried nearly all the light Linux as it an old laptop. Before i wipped the drive i could install same os's. Over the years i guess it;s taken longer to install from drive untill now where it won't install any of the disc stated at all.

Lnux Version - What Name (Mint, Arch)? - Linux-lite, q4os, Fedora, Peppermint, Zorin, Mint

Windows Version - Windows Xp, 7, 8 and 10

Installed via USB or DVD. - DVD

Have you tried installing Linux via USB and depending on what version of Windows have you tried USB. - No the Bios does not have USB as the laptop is very old

How long have you let it sit there? - I have never let it sit for a long period.

Are you trying to install 32 bit or 64 bit? - 32 bit

Before you used DBAN was the system working or at least some what?

With Linux does it load and run the Live Version and then have issues with the install?

Most of the ones that you have listed do not have a 32 bit install they are strictly 64 bit. With the exception of Peppermint and Mint.

Then it is just the install that it has an issue with.

Just to confirm that the system has a DVD not just a CD? Depending on the player it may have read limits and the disk you are using maybe out of those reading limits.

What is the make and model of the laptop.
Thanks for reply..

Before you used DBAN was the system working or at least some what? - It was working fine

With Linux does it load and run the Live Version and then have issues with the install? - You mean now, then no.

Most of the ones that you have listed do not have a 32 bit install they are strictly 64 bit. With the exception of Peppermint and Mint. - They are all older x86 which run on a 32. I know x86 iso have always worked on my 32bit in the past.

Then it is just the install that it has an issue with. - Yes just the install.

Just to confirm that the system has a DVD not just a CD? Depending on the player it may have read limits and the disk you are using maybe out of those reading limits. - Yes the drive is DVD/CD - I only use Verbatim

What is the make and model of the laptop. - Sony Vaio PCG-7L1M also known as VGN-FS485B

Many thanks
Most of the ones that you have listed do not have a 32 bit install they are strictly 64 bit. With the exception of Peppermint and Mint. - They are all older x86 which run on a 32. I know x86 iso have always worked on my 32bit in the past.
Just to confirm it depends on how it is written and most operating system and programs are starting to get away from 32 bit programs.
x86 = 32 bit
x64 = 64 bit
x86_64 = 64 bit

Do any messages come up on the screen and yes it could take a bit for it to load.
How are you creating the disk?
Thanks again

Do any messages come up on the screen and yes it could take a bit for it to load. - The odd one i get OS sign and messages asking do i want to install. When i click on install northing happens at all. There is differently an issue whether it's the drive or something else.

How are you creating the disk? - i have tried PowerISO, Windows7-USB-DVD Tool, imadgeBurn,

Would wiping the HDD have caused the issue? ( hard drive is now corrupted) If so, would i still be able to access the BIOS?

Would wiping the HDD have caused the issue? ( hard drive is now corrupted) If so, would i still be able to access the BIOS?
If the drive was starting to go the that is a possibility. Yes BIOS is on a microchip on the motherboard.

I am wondering if a partition of the drive was wiped and not the entire drive?

When you run the Windows 7 install disk does it load at all or even the one for Windows 10?

Lets try Diskpart

Once you have Diskpart started
Type list disk

Do you see a Disk 0
Type select disk 0
Type clean

If it states that DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk

Close out of the Command Prompt window by clicking the red X in the upper right hand corner.

If any other message show on the screen let us know what it was.

Reboot and retry the install again and let us know how things go.
Thanks again for your time.

I am wondering if a partition of the drive was wiped and not the entire drive? - Sorry i wouldn't know.

When you run the Windows 7 install disk does it load at all or even the one for Windows 10? - Sorry no. I did try again wiping the HDD but this time it would not load.

I can buy a second-hand drive for around £5 and a HDD for around £8-£9 so i'll try one at the time and see if one of them fixes the problem

Thank you so much for all your responses to my post. I appreciate you taking the time to help. .
Not a problem

If the disk are not even loading sounds as if the DVD drive may be going and or have gone.

So getting a replacement drive may not even help.
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