Slow Download Speeds

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PCHF Member
Jul 9, 2021
Hi there,

I don't know whether I'm being stupid (most likely I am). Over the past few weeks, the download speed on my PC has been significantly slower than it was before and is significantly lower to the other devices in my house. I should mention that this is over WiFi. I've ran speed tests in the past and always got 35-60 Mbps (which is what I expect to get) However, this has since dropped to the point where I rarely get 10Mbps while my other devices (Phone, Laptop, Console) are still getting the usual 35-60. I do have a WiFi dongle in order to allow me to connect which has worked fine in the past. Could this be an issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
your phone, laptop and console - they are connected via the same network?
that is for example, the phone isn't using its own data plan?

when is the last time you rebooted the modem/wifi router?
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