Severe stuttering while gaming on Lenovo Ideapad 3 Gaming

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PCHF Member
Feb 23, 2022

I'm new on this forum, but since speaking to Lenovo support hasn't exactly yielded any results, I've decided to post here;

Since recently, my laptop has been experiencing severe FPS drops when gaming - these drops are severe enough to cause any game to become completely unplayable. Although this does not happen when simply using google or watching a show, it even occurs on low-performance games on the lowest graphics settings. I have noticed that the issue becomes less severe if graphics settings are lowered, but the 'spikes' still occur regardless. These spikes are noticeable throughout the entire system, even when tabbing out, and don't stop until I reboot the laptop. Audio seems to be the only thing not affected by it; I can be in a voice call without problem while all of this is happening.

Lenovo decided, or rather guessed, that it was an issue with the motherboard. They have since replaced it, but the issues persisted. After factory resetting the laptop, it was solved for almost 24 hours until the same thing happened again.

- AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
- 16 GB RAM
- GeForce GTX 1650 4GB
- Windows 10 Home
- SSD: 512GB
- Wired internet

If anyone could help me, I'd really appreciate it. :)
Hello Vanestc,

Can you tell us what games are involved,

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Hi, thank you for responding!

To be honest, almost any game I've tried has had this issue; everything from Valorant and Phasmophobia to even Roblox has yielded the same results. Only the very simple ones such as Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes haven't had this occur yet. It sometimes also creates some sort of input lag on the drawing software I use, specifically Krita.

Here is the Speccy link, I hope it works as intended:
Only two things of note in Speccy and really don`t think that they would affect your internet connection.

Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Computer type: Notebook
Installation Date: 17/02/2022 22:13:58

Windows is a recent install but I don`t see any system drivers having been installed since, once Windows has been installed you must asap install the system drivers and starting with the chipset drivers, if you don`t do this you will 100% get issues.

Power Profile
Active power scheme: Energy Star

Change the Windows Power Plan to High Performance or your GTX 1650 Ti will not get enough power to be able to work and the computer will revert back to the Radeon graphics.

You are welcome btw :)
I don't want to celebrate too soon, because it has sporadically worked a few times in the past, but so far installing the system drivers seems to have done the trick.

I genuinely hope it keeps running this well, but regardless, I'd like to thank you very much for your time and efforts. You might've just saved me a lot of money trying to get it fixed. :)
Fingers crossed for you, please see my canned info below;

Did you change the Windows Power Plan.

Once Windows has been installed, you install the necessary drivers for the MB and other hardware and then leave well alone, drivers should not be allowed to auto update and you should never update any driver/s unless the new drivers are intended to resolve a specific issue that you are having, installing new drivers unnecessarily can actually cause you the very issues that any new drivers are intended to resolve and uninstalling the new drivers may not resolve the problem/s that installing the new drivers has caused.

Depending on priority it can take many months before the driver provider releases any fix and depending on the age of the hardware or software concerned they sometimes do not even bother or may have already announced an end of support.
I tried to, yeah, but I didn't get the High Performance option; only Balanced. This alone didn't fix anything, but the other solution did.

Also, unrelated, but I have no idea how to conclude it. :#
Try the below to see if it gets you the High Performance option.

1. Press the Windows key + X from the keyboard.
2. Choose Command prompt from the context menu.
3. In the command prompt, type powercfg –restoredefaultschemes then press Enter.
4. Exit command prompt.
I did manage to get it on High Performance mode, but unfortunately the same issue has returned again (even before changing the power plan). It happened without me changing any settings and I genuinely don't know how or why it happens, though it's incredibly frustrating.
Speccy does not show any drivers having been installed and the Windows Power Plan is not set to High Performance.

Will check back tomorrow.
That is very strange, I thought I did both. Must've messed something up on my end.

I'll try to figure that out and get the drivers installed and Power Plan to performance.
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