Screen keeps disconnecting for no reason

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PCHF Member
Jan 23, 2021
I hope you guys can help because I am literally at my wits end with this now. So when I run games every so often my screen just loses connection for no reason that I can find. The only way is to hard shutdown or keep trying ALT+F4 and hope I get lucky and do a regular shutdown. After shutdown computer restarts with screen working fine.

I know my screen isn't the issue as it is literally only when I am running my PC and gaming this happens. I have tested extensively with my laptop and Xbox always perfect.

I have tried so many things to fix this problem; at first I thought it was a PSU problem so I upgraded to a 1200w... no difference; I then bolted my old PSU inside the case so I have two PSU's inside running simultaneously which means I now have about 1800w powering my computer so I know I have enough power. However upon closer inspection I realised the fan on my GPU is still going which means it is still powered up even though screen is gone. I have used Prime95 and Furmark to stress test both CPU and GPU all works fine and nothing weird screen stays perfect.

I have checked, double checked and triple checked my drivers. I have tweaked graphics settings more times than I can remember to no avail.

Something weird I noticed is when I am running a game at Ultra settings it happens less frequently than low graphics settings; but this may just be a coincidence as it is a bit random timing wise. I love gaming and during lockdown with not a lot else to do this is so frustrating and I can't even work right now to make money and buy a new pc so I am double annoyed with this situation.

I even sent it off to my friend, whose job is to fix hardware and software issues with computers, and even he couldn't find a solution.

I have been scanning forums for months trying to find answers and I just come stuck every time so I figured it is now time to make my own post and according to a google search this is one of the best places to do so. Any kind of help or advice would very appreciated so thanks in advance.

Alienware Area 51
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i7 CPU X980 @ 3.33GHz

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Sorry for the late reply..

We need the spec's on your monitor..


Hi; thanks for the reply

Sorry I should have thought to mention that before. I am using a Samsung UE65MU6120 Television. I would also note that I have also tried using a Dell monitor I borrowed to check and the problem persisted.

Another thing I forgot to mention is I bought a second GPU same make and model just brand new in case it was busted and I have the same problem
different screens - same problem.
different cards - same problem.
think we can rule those out then. :)

and it's only when playing games - Word, emails, web searching, YouTube - are all good?
and how often - once a month, only a certain game, 10 minutes into the game?

if only one game, anything abnormal about it in particular, like Steam, or punkbuster etc?

have you disabled all unnecessary background tasks and services?
tried creating a new user profile and logging in under that?
and biggest hammer of all - repair reinstall of Windows and if no luck, fresh install of Windows?
different screens - same problem.
different cards - same problem.
think we can rule those out then. :)

and it's only when playing games - Word, emails, web searching, YouTube - are all good?
and how often - once a month, only a certain game, 10 minutes into the game?

if only one game, anything abnormal about it in particular, like Steam, or punkbuster etc?

have you disabled all unnecessary background tasks and services?
tried creating a new user profile and logging in under that?
and biggest hammer of all - repair reinstall of Windows and if no luck, fresh install of Windows?

Sorry for the late reply; for some reason my email decided to change this email chain to junk.

It only eve happens when playing games. Timing is different depending on what game I am playing. Anything VR works perfectly every time, Warhammer 2 perfect on Ultra, nearly all my other games I can get about 1 - 2 hours (depending on how generous my PC is feeling) except Last Remnant which does this every 10 - 30 minutes.

Most of my games are on Steam but I have a few that run independently.

I hadn't tried a new profile until reading this but no luck as it still happened.

So I have actually fresh installed Windows twice. Started with Windows 7 and had the problem even back then. I installed a fresh version of Windows 7 again (still my favourite OS) then begrudgingly upgraded to Windows 10 as I wanted to install Virtual Desktop which is Windows 10 only.

I have done some more troubleshooting since posting this too:

I used DDU to uninstall all drivers before reinstalling.
Restore health and SFC scan in cmd.
Double checked my BIOS is up to date; it is.
Checked RAM is at manufacturer recommended speed; it is.
Turned off Windows fast start just in case.

Nothing Changed during this; I also done a FARBAR report right after the problem struck again if you are interested?
I have only two straws to clutch.
1) use a different monitor - real long shot but hey, that's where we are up to.
2) get a different video card, try and burrow one from a friend, neighbour family, work colleague.
I have only two straws to clutch.
1) use a different monitor - real long shot but hey, that's where we are up to.
2) get a different video card, try and burrow one from a friend, neighbour family, work colleague.

Tried a different monitor already.
As for video card I got a brand new one but same model which was silly maybe. I could try and find someone who is willing to lend me a video card but not sure if I can. Will let you know.
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