Solved Rtx2080 Motherboard Compatibility

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PCHF Member
Aug 4, 2020
Last year I bought a clearance pre-built CyberpowerPcGamer EXtreme Vr GXiVR3800wst at my job.I got it at a mega discount for $200.It has an i7 8700 processor / 1060gtx6gb.The motherboard is crazy though Ican't find much information about it.Apprently its made for cyberpower exclusively.Its an AsRockB360M Xtreme.What I am trying to find out is if I can upgrade my gpu to rtx20608gb.Please help!!!I am also concerned about psu it is a thermaltake smart 600w i just want to make sure i will be ok.Thank you for looking.
Last year I bought a clearance pre-built CyberpowerPcGamer EXtreme Vr GXiVR3800wst at my job.I got it at a mega discount for $200.It has an i7 8700 processor / 1060gtx6gb.The motherboard is crazy though Ican't find much information about it.Apprently its made for cyberpower exclusively.Its an AsRockB360M Xtreme.What I am trying to find out is if I can upgrade my gpu to rtx20608gb.Please help!!!I am also concerned about psu it is a thermaltake smart 600w i just want to make sure i will be ok.Thank you for looking.
Here is a picture of what the motherboard looks like


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As far as compatibly you should have no issues @phillpower2 could tell you more about the PSU.
thermaltake smart 600w

Did find this information here
The CyberpowerPC AsRock B360M Xtreme motherboard is an OE rebadged AsRock B360M Pro4, you can find the specifications at:

also did find this

Hope that some of this helps others may have more information.
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Thank you so much for replying.I ended up ordering the card.I figured down the line I would like to build my own pc and at least i will have a decent card.I read the recommendations for the card and it is saying that 1 8 pin connector is included but the card I have connects with a 6 pin.Im not sure if I need to order another connector or hook it up differently.Do you know anything about that?
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