I've been working remotely from home since March without any issue but for the past 3 weeks I've had awful permanent mouse lag when inside the remote desktop. We use Citrix which prompts us to download and open a .ica file every day to access the work system if that helps anyone understand my set up. The issue I have is that my mouse cursor moves perfectly fine but the system takes about 3-5 seconds to react to where it is, so if I moved one from side of the screen to the other the cursor will be where it should but you can see things being highlighted across the screen as if the mouse has just hovered over it. The system runs fine apart from this, there is no lag in any other forms of processing and the mouse click and scroll wheel are as normal it's simply the act of moving the mouse about. There are no issues in using the mouse outwith the remote desktop, for example if I Alt+Esc to minimise to my main desktop everything with the mouse is absolutely perfect but as soon as I click back in it's dreadful again. Without having much knowledge about things like this I would assume that it's an issue with the remote server/system rather than anything on my end but I thought I'd ask just in case as it's driving me up the wall. Could there be anything I can personally try or will it be up to the companies IT team to resolve, who I have emailed and called but they are busy with unrelated issues.