Solved Recovery disc

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PCHF Member
Jun 7, 2021
Hello everyone, I am little bit confused from recovery disc tool and humbly ask you for the explanation.

Today, I used my USB stick for recovery disc (around 3.6GB). This tool says that's useful when you can't boot your win 10 OS for recovery your system, but it's not system image, so your personal files will not be recovered. This is mostly clear, but the question is, does my USB stick work, when my C drive, where is my win 10 installed, will break and I will be forced to buy new one? If not, how can I back up my whole system for case my C drive stops working.

Thank you for your answers.
This will recover and put your computer to what is called a factory state or out of the box.

Basically means it will restore your computer to what it was like day 1 when you set it up out of the box and first turned it on.

DO NOT loose the drive most recovery creations tools will ONLY allow you to create one and if anything happens to it then.

You can copy you files to a (or more) USB drive(s).

There are several third party imaging software out there and unless you keep them up to date and use them correctly are useless. Most users wait till some thing goes wrong before preforming image and backup.

When you image a drive make sure to image the WHOLE drive and not just the C otherwise you will be missing the boot instruction.
Should Windows be unable to boot you would insert the USB & boot from this, it would allow you to repair Windows or restore any image created with Windows own image software.
The Windows installation media will do the exact same thing & would also allow you to clean install the OS should you wish.
My preference is to create installation media whenever here’s a new feature update & use Macrium Reflect free to image the drive in case of problems. Macrium has its own boot drive (which you need to create) in case the PC cannot boot, you’d then use their boot media to recover the PC via the backup image.
Thank you guys for answers, so If I understand that correctly. Windows installation media will help me, if my drive with OS will break?
It will allow you to troubleshoot Windows, repair Windows by reinstalling but keeping personal files (you’ll lose programs though) or clean install Windows.
For full ’protection’ it’s recommended to image the PC using disk imaging software like Macrium. Then you can recover quickly from anything including drive failure (providing you’ve created the specific software’s boot media).
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