Solved Razer Basilisk X Hyperspeed Wireless Mouse acting Wonky (sorry no better description)

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
I've had this mouse for about 5 months now and it has been awesome until about a week ago. Now for some reason when I try to drag a file to anothe folder to copy the file, instead of dragging it the file will open. Or I will try to select multiple files by left clicking and highlighting the files I want to drag and it either will not work, it will open the first file I highlighted, or it will only highlight the first file. I have tried uninstalling the driver within Device Manager (I can't rollback the driver), I have tried switching the wireless reciever to a different USB port, I have tried modify>repair for the Razor mouse Synapse program, and I have also tried just uninstalling and reinstalling the Razer Synapse program, I have also tried switching out the battery in the wireless mouse and nothing seems to work. Does anyone know what i can do, or what the problem may be? Oh and I have also had a problem with the mouse sometimes becoming unresponsive, or very laggy. I am only about 3-4 feet from my PC and the reciever is plugged into a USB 2.0 port, I have tried 3.0 but get the same thing happening. I should also mention this seems to have started after I upgraded my PC case to a Lian Li 011 dynamic. I don't know why that would change things but it seems weird that this all started happening after upgrading my case.
I'd be ruling out two things first.
the mouse pad - if it's glossy or has an image on it, try just using an A4 blank page folded in half.
next would be to reduce any interference between the receiver and the mouse, so plug the receiver into a front USB port and have direct line of sight between the mouse and its receiver, avoiding the monitor as much as possible.
even use the mouse in the other hand if it means getting it right up close to the receiver - just to prove (or not) the theory.
I've been using a flat black mouse pad. I had already tried using every usb port on my case but it was still doing it. I had forgotten i had posted this, I ended up contacting Razer and since I had already tried every troubleshooting thing I and they could think of before contacting them they had me try updating the firmware for the mouse, but it was still acting weird. They said it sounded like it was most likely a hardware problem and not software so they told me since it was still covered by their warrenty that I should just RMA it, which i did. I sent the mouse back a few days ago and will hopefully have a new one by the end of this upcoming week. Once i recieve it I can update you on if the problem has been solved with the new mouse. I can say though, that in the mean time I am using a cheap $12.00 wireless mouse i got off amazon and it's working totally fine, so I'm thinking it probably was a hardware problem with the old mouse.
sorry for the late reply. I received the new replacement mouse and it works perfect. So it looks like it was a hardware issue of a faulty mouse. You can mark this thread solved, and I appreciate the help.
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