Question about Buttercup Password manager

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PCHF Member
Dec 22, 2017

I would like to try out Buttercup password manager. I am able to install the program.

After installing, you need to create an archive file. For that, open Notepad, and save the blank text file with .bcup extension.
The above sentence is from this article. This is what I do not know how to do. I know how to get to/open notepad but I do not know how to save a blank text file.

Someone please explain how to do that.

This is for Windows 10.

simply make a .TXT file any way you want, then go to where it lives, say My Documents, right click on it and Rename, changing the .txt extension to .bcup
I do not know how to save a blank text file.

The easiest way it to right click a blank space on your desktop, select new, then from the context menu select text document. This will create a new empty text file on your desktop. You can move and rename this file to wherever/whatever you want.

BTW your context menu may have more or less items than the one shown here, but it will certainly have text document.

Thanks for the answers. I got that to work.

I have not been able to figure out how to export my passwords from either LastPass or Bit Warden to Buttercup.
I can get a .cvs file for both LastPass or Bit Warden. How do I get that .cvs file to Buttercup?

I see on github there is an importer for Buttercup from different password managers but I don't know where or which one to download.

Would you please explain how to do so.

I see on github there is an importer for Buttercup from different password managers but I don't know where or which one to download.
Never used Buttercup so there will be others with more knowledge of this, but to get the importer go HERE

And download it here, scan it, unzip it and give it a go.

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The following is what I get when I extract the file that gus posted

2018-05-29 14_00_07-C__Users_Ryan_Downloads_buttercup-desktop-master.zip_buttercup-desktop-mas...png

I do not know which file to use in order to use the importer. How do I find the right file in order to use the import software?

I do not know how to create an archive in Buttercup. Would someone please teach me how to do so.

@Bruce thanks for helping.

After I try to create a new archive in Buttercup I get the following

2018-05-29 15_11_02-Window.png

I do not know what that means or how to fix it. Is Buttercup not getting installed right or what mistake am I making?
As an experiment I installed Buttercup and attempted to copy my passwords from LastPass to Buttercup. Here's what worked for me.

  1. Got to LastPass/more options/advanced/export, then export your file as a .csv file. Name the file whatever you like.
  2. Open buttercup and select Import from the file menu, then select "From LastPass archive (.csv)"
  3. Select import it to whatever you named your new Buttercup archive.

Locate your saved LastPass.csv file and done.


As I said previously I am unfamiliar with this application but the above did copy all my LastPass stuff to Buttercup without using any "Importer" Looks a nice password manager, but I like LastPass. Maybe someone can help you with the other PW manager you want to import stuff from?

BTW: when you create a new archive in Buttercup it automatically makes a .bcup file. Note in the picture above I named my new archive "new passwords" and Buttercup created the .bcup file accordingly.

Also have a look HERE

Good luck with it.
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I exported my LastPass vault to notepad. I change the file to .cvs I save the file into documents. Where should I save this file? What do I need to do in order to get that file to Buttercup?
When I click on import and the LastPass option in Buttercup I get the file is empty.
Do I need to save an empty document like it says in the link post that @gus gave?
What am I doing wrong?
Where should I save this file?
Anywhere you like that you can find later.

When I click on import and the LastPass option in Buttercup I get the file is empty.
Sounds like you haven't saved the .CSV, it's not .cvs

Do I need to save an empty document like it says in the link post that @gus gave?

The earlier post was a response stating how you make an empty text document file, because in post 1 you asked how to make a blank text file .

Once that is done copy the data from the lastpass output into it and save it as a .csv file.
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Sorry to be so dense. I appreciate your patience. I usually don't have this much problems with setting up software. You @gus were correct I was putting cvs not csv that was part of the issue.

then export your file as a .csv file
How do I do that?

Here is what I did. I went to my LastPass vault. I went to export. I got all my passwords listed and saved it to notepad with a .csv extension on my desktop. I switched the encoding on notepad to Unicode and save as type to all files. If I am not suppose to save the passwords from LastPass vault to a notepad how do I save my passwords from the vault to a csv file?

I saved a blank notepad and saved it with a .bcup. The step about the blank notepad is on the link I put in my first post and the one @gus linked.

I opened Buttercup clicked on import and did the LastPass option and it said No available archives to import to. I am missing doing something since I am not getting it to work properly.
How do I get the passwords that I have saved in notepad as .csv to the notepad with .bcup?

Once again thanks for your help.
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  1. go to lastpass and choose to export your data as .csv file
  2. that will open a new browser tab with all your data listed, go to edit menu in your browser and then select all
  3. when everything is selected, copy it all to the empty text document file you should have created earlier
  4. once copied to the empty text file, save that file as a .csv file
  5. Forget creating a blank notepad file as.bcup. Read post 10 again or as you quoted in your original post
  6. After installing, you need to create an archive file.
  7. Open buttercup and create a new archive. THIS WILL CREATE YOUR .bcup archive file (see the first pic in post 10) file/new archive.
  8. then go to import in buttercup, then from lastpass, then to your newly created archive file you made.
  9. You will then be presented with a dialogue box allowing you to search to wherever you saved your .csv file
  10. select the file, click ok and it's done
I go to LastPass I choose the save as .csv

I have saved my LastPass passwords in Notepad as a .csv file to my desktop. I have tried saving my notepad to the downloads and document folders and I get what I have attached below.

When I click on new archive in Buttercup I get the following
2018-05-31 16_07_46-Window.png

For some reason Buttercup does not find the notepad that I have saved.

I know you are probably tired of hearing from me. Please continue to help me so I can use Buttercup.

When I click on new archive in Buttercup I get the following
Clicking new archive does not open a window like that. Clicking on new archive opens a dialogue where you input a name and create a NEW ARCHIVE, which is created in a .bcup file format.

Please follow the steps1 - 4 in post 14 to create a.csv file.

DO NOT TRY AND MAKE A .CSV FILE by selecting all exported text from the lastpass opened browser tab and saving as a.csv file. That did not work for me and resulted in a different file to that obtained when using the steps in post 14
When I go to LastPass and then export using Chrome I get /export.php at the end. When I use the LastPass extension using Chrome I go to advanced and then make .csv I get /export.html I don't know if that is what I should have. I then push ctrl a to select all then I copy and paste to a blank notepad I saved it as a .txt not a .csv I am still unable to get that notepad to import to Buttercup.

I am not saving my passwords from LastPass correctly but I do not know what I am doing wrong.

Each time I open new archive in Buttercup I get the screen like I posted in #15.

I also tried Vivaldi and same issue. It seems like LastPass is not being saved as a .csv file. You said not to save the passwords as a .csv file.

When you were able to import your passwords to Buttercup did you change the encoding? Which encoding did you use? Did you use the LastPass extension to import your passwords or did you use the LastPass website?

When you were able to import your passwords to Buttercup did you change the encoding? Which encoding did you use? Did you use the LastPass extension to import your passwords or did you use the LastPass website?
Did not change encoding
used lastpass extension

please follow instructions provided which your last post indicates you havent been
I am using Vivaldi browser since I could find a select all option in the Edit menu.
I opened the LastPass extension. I get the browser tab with all my passwords. I click on import and save as a csv file. I click the select all option in the Edit menu of Vivaldi. I then did ctrl c to copy then I opened a blank notepad and then did ctrl v to paste here is what that looks like
2018-06-03 19_27_11-Window.png

I typed in the file name and clicked save it saved to my desktop with a .txt Do I need to change the save as type to all files? Do I need to convert this to a .csv using an online converter or do I change .txt to .csv to save it as a .csv file? I am not understanding how to change the notepad to a .csv.

Here is what it looks like saved on my desktop
2018-06-03 19_35_23-Window.png

I open Buttercup after that and I get the same window that I showed in post #14

Once again thanks very much for your help. I need it.
Please follow the instructions in post 14, particularly steps 1 through 4.

I did advise in post 14 that what you are trying to do DID NOT WORK FOR ME, but steps 1-4 did work. Please try and follow those steps only. Let me know what parts of THOSE STEPS only you are having problems with?

To change a new text document .txt file to a csv file simply go to the file menu in the text file and choose save as. Then name the file whatever you want with a .csv extension.

DO NOT TRY AND SAVE THE FILE AS A .csv IN YOUR BROWSER, that did not work for me (or others according to Mr Google)
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