Problem with my Computer.

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PCHF Member
Nov 16, 2017

So I've have this gaming computer for around three years now, never really had a problem with it whatsoever until a while ago.

I've got a gaming computer and I've been wanting to play a game, I started it up and everything basically stopped, black screen and nothing else. I waited for a little while, alt+tab didn't really seem to work so I thought my PC was just stuck like it's doing from time to time. I turn off my PC, boot it back up but did not want to go to Windows whatsoever, I tried to restart it from time to time until I just gave up, my PC sometimes just crashes but doesn't show anything ( just makes the crashy sound in my headset, that the sound is stuck -- it didn't do it this time though. ), after rebooting it it just works properly and I can play my games and do whatever.

Sidenote; ( what I'll say is before the issue ) everytime in the morning when I just wake up to turn on my Computer it starts up but shows a bluescreen ( just shows that it has some trouble starting up. ), after that it just starts up normally, logs into my account and there's that, thought this might've been nice to know as well. This never bothered me though.

Though, right now my PC is basically broken, it wanted to start up, show the starting screen but absolutely nothing else, it didn't go further than that.

So, I've tried to go on to the safe mode, and there were two big green lines going vertical across the screen ( one middle right, one middle left ), it did not want to go to the standard resolution I had which is 1920x1080, it had this weird resolution like.. 1388x something, it was a really weird resolution, so.. I went to look at my components via the computer, it showed my RAM which was completely fine, it showed my Hard Drive and the GB's it had and were still left, my Processor and so on, but, it didn't want to tell me what type of Graphics Card I had, so I think that's the problem but I'm not one-hundred percent sure.

I don't have a clue what specs I have other than my Graphics Card, RAM, and Processor ( and I know I've got Windows 10 ) which is a Radeon R7 370 2GB, 16GB of RAM, and an AMD FX8320 3,5Ghz 8-core.

Another sidenote; I've checked my components a little, and I'm not the best with computers but my brother ( which studied IT ) thinks it might be either the hard-drive, which I don't believe it is, since my files were p-good, or/and my Graphics Card, but still I personally am not really sure of it, it can't be my Mother Board since that connects my components, and the weird thing is is that it shows a green light on my Graphics Card, nothing from my components whatsoever look broken or '' fried '', but it just weirded me out there's a green light showing on the Graphics Card to show it's connected.

Sorry for so much text, I hope someone can help me, thanks a lot.
Hello Avenia,

Do you happen to know the brand and model name or number of the PSU (power supply unit).
I am surprised that you have not had any issues before now. The minimum suggested wattage is 500 watts and recommended 650 watts psu for your graphic card.
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I am surprised that you have not had any issues before now. The minimum suggested wattage is 500 watts and recommended 650 watts psu for your graphic card.
I concur, in addition to what Veeg has advised Corsair have been a favourite brand of mine for a long time but I must say that they have dropped their standards with the CX and VS range of PSU, the VS450 was so bad that one model could only produce 360W and another only 408W, needless to say Corsair scrapped the range :(
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I've been kinda thinking, since I've basically been '' scammed '' of a graphics card that was supposed to be 4GB, I've looked at either an MSI Radeon RX 580 8GB, or a GTX 1060 6GB.

Though, since I can't really choose, nor do I know a whole lot about Graphics Card and stuff like that, can I get a recommendation? It's mostly for Gaming, such as; Arma 3, Rainbow Six, games like that.
In addition to the above, the PSU you already know has got to be changed and you are now considering swapping in a replacement video card, with this in mind it would make sense to take a further look at all of the other system hardware.

You already have Speccy installed, run it again but this time post the link (url) to the results page, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.
Hi Avenia. If you are looking at upgrading your video card, then an RX 580 8 GB model will be a worthy upgrade for your system.

This is the model that I would go with, Sapphire 11265-01-20G Radeon NITRO+ RX 580 8GB GDDR5 DUAL HDMI / DVI-D / DUAL DP with backplate (UEFI) PCI-E Graphics Card.

For the power supply, you will need a minimum of 500 watts for that video card so I would get this unit, Corsair CP-9020091-UK RM650x 650 W 80 Plus Gold Certified Modular 135 mm Thermally Controlled Fan Power Supply Unit - Black.
Thanks for the recommendation, are you sure it's going to fit onto my motherboard? I'm going to have a little talk with my mom n' brother, once more, thanks.
Thanks for the recommendation, are you sure it's going to fit onto my motherboard? I'm going to have a little talk with my mom n' brother, once more, thanks.
Very good suggestions made by Evan but can we have the requested Speccy url to check for any possible underlying issue/s that may be going on, quite sure that you would not be happy if you upgrade only to find that something else was preventing you from getting the benefits you will have paid for and expect.
After a little talk we've decided to get the RX580 one, though I really need to be sure it'll fit on my Motherboard, and since I don't really know much about computers.. yeah..
You already have Speccy installed, run it again but this time post the link (url) to the results page, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

Can`t really help you if you do not provide the information that is requested Avenia :(

Up to yourself if you wish to risk spending almost EUR 400 for a new GPU and PSU when there is a chance that there is a problem elsewhere in the system
After a long time of waiting for my stuff, I've got the Sapphire video card, bought a 750W battery supply, as well as a HDMI VDI cable for the Graphics Card, installed the drivers n' everything worked fine, but now there's this weird smell coming from my computer, it smells like old clothes everytime I play Rainbow Six: Siege ( don't know how to describe the smell better than that, just a really strange one ), so I just stopped playing it, scared my PC will break even worse.
Any update for us Avenia? If unreplied to within 48hrs this thread will be closed.
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