Pc won’t turn on

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PCHF Member
Dec 17, 2023
Not sure if this is the right place but recently I tried to turn on my pc it turned of for a seccond but then shut off again.the power button is stuck pressed on and I can’t get it back up. Can anyone help fix this

With the power off ,un plug the pc and use some silicon spray to see if that helps if not the power button will need to be replaced.
You can also open up the side cover on the tower, and unplug the front panel header for the power switch.
Usually found bottom right on the motherboard when the case is standing up.

There will be a pin set labelled PWR SW, pull that one off to stop the front button from functioning.
As veeg says, some WD40, CRC20 or whatever canned spray oil you have may loosen up the plastics around the button.
Or get any momentary switch from the nearest electronics store and drill a hole somewhere on the case or front cover and wire it into the current PWR SW jumper wires.

I've used these in the past.

I've even gone next level and gotten some with lights and connected the hard drive jumper wires as well to have it blink when there is disk activity.
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