Solved Pc won't boot from m.2 ssd unless manually selected in override portion of the Bios

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PCHF Member
Mar 1, 2022
So today I've started having a weird issue. My pc has been working for about a year without being changed although I have had a number of other crashes and graphics driver timeouts so I'm not sure if they're related. Not sure if my specs will help but here they are:

- Ryzen 7 2700
- Red devil 5700xt
- Sabrent rocket M.2 Ssd (Boot drive)
- Kingston 250gb SSD
- some Gigabyte AORUS AM4 mobo not sure the model

So first my pc crashed and I had a WHEA uncorrectable error and following that my pc wouldn't boot correctly instead the message came up saying 'Reboot and select proper boot device'.

I got around that by going in the bios and selecting my boot SSD (Sabrent NVME M.2 SSD) in the override tab which got me to windows fine. Weirdly though my boot SSD didn't show up in the boot order section only my secondary SSD. I checked in windows and the SSD still shows up okay in the device manager and my files are still all there. So from then on almost every time I booted my pc the same message would come up and I had to override again to get into my pc.

I then tried resetting the bios because Google said it wouldn't be a terrible idea. It seems it was wrong. Now every time I boot, the bios logo comes up with the message 'diagnosing your pc' , which then proceeds to it telling me that auto repair couldn't fix it. From there I can't really do anything even trying to reset the pc comes up with a message saying that it can't do it.

The weirder thing is that going into the bios and using the same trick to override the boot device using my boot SSD still works and gets me into Windows with seemingly no other issues.

If anyone has any clue what the hell is happening then that would be ideal.

Can you access the system at all? If not, we will need the actual information for the Motherboard since there are several models.

If so, let's get a speccy report.

Do not forget to post the make and model of the PSU if this is a desktop.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Have you looked at the motherboard site to see if there is an update to correct the issue that you are seeing right now?

Sometimes there may be a BIOS update that they have that may correct the issue you are seeing.

Be cautious if you update the BIOS following the instructions, they state to use otherwise you will have a nice door stop.

Have you also made sure that you installed the chipset drive and any others for the hardware that you have in the proper order?
Not all system requires them to be installed in certain order except the chipset first.

Others may have more to say.
When windows was installed did you only have one (1) drive connected - the M2?

Not related to the current problem - you are running VERY low on your C drive. You will start to get other issues.
Have you looked at the motherboard site to see if there is an update to correct the issue that you are seeing right now?

Sometimes there may be a BIOS update that they have that may correct the issue you are seeing.

Be cautious if you update the BIOS following the instructions, they state to use otherwise you will have a nice door stop.

Have you also made sure that you installed the chipset drive and any others for the hardware that you have in the proper order?
Not all system requires them to be installed in certain order except the chipset first.

Others may have more to say.
Apologies for the slow reply.

I'm hesitatant to update the bios as there is the chance of it just bricking the pc and I can think of any reason why it would have any effect whatsoever especially as its been working for so long with no issue.

Along with that as the problems are following a hardware error message doesn't that make it less likely to be fixed by a bios update?

When windows was installed did you only have one (1) drive connected - the M2?

Not related to the current problem - you are running VERY low on your C drive. You will start to get other issues.
Once again sorry for the slow reply.

I installed windows on the m.2 ssd fresh when I installed it and made sure to only reconnect the sata ssd afterwards.

Also yeah my C drive space is an issue and I'm planning on buying another SSD soon.

I was also wanting to upgrade my CPU but wanted to work out if my Mobo has failed first before deciding if I need to buy a new one so can switch to Intel instead of sticking with AMDs AM4 ones.

Thank you for getting back to us.

Do not worry about updating the BIOS if you are unsure fully understand.

Since the reinstall of Windows how is the system running?

If you are wanting to upgrade the CPU the motherboard that you have is only for AMD if you want to change to on the Intel, you will have to replace the motherboard as well. Which may include changing the RAM.
So the system has been up and down since reinstalling windows but I've had similar issues for years before doing that. I've had a number of issues with blue screens in the past but they always seemed to be driver related according to the Internet.

At the moment my graphics drivers seem to be constantly crashing even after numerous reinstalls so I don't really now what's happening there.

About the new CPU. Sorry I meant that if this motherboard is failing and that's the cause of the issues then I'll buy a new one and switch to an Intel CPU but if not then I'd probably keep it and stick to an AMD one to save the money.

Okay so a basic bit of googling showed that that's not what you meant even remotely. I had no idea that a chipset driver was even a thing so thanks for bringing that to my attention.

I'll install them and see if it helps.


UPDATE: unfortunately updating the chipset driver didn't work
Okay so here's a weirder thing...

I removed my second SSD and now everything boots correctly. I have no idea what is happening and why. I've reconnected it and everything seems to work now.

Computers make no sense.

I guess this is now solved so thanks very much for your input even if it turned out my computer was just being stupid.
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