Pc wants to stay retired after being unplugged for 10 days

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PCHF Member
Sep 4, 2019

I went on vacation for 10 days, when i came back the pc, which i unplugged before leaving, did not put out a hdmi signal like it used to.

The powered led on the graphics card turns on, the computer does not make any error sounds or unusual lights.

motherboard MSI 970a-G43
CPU amd fx6300
graphics card RadeonR9 380X

I tried switching out the HDMIcable, TVdisplay and graphics card in all possible combinations between current setup and replacements.
The replacement graphics card is unsure to be working, although it did recieve power visible by spinning fans.
The original graphicscard wont fit into the other motherboard slot, since other plugs are in the way.
I also tried resetting the bios.
So im certain it is not the display, or cable.
Since i only tried the HDMI outputs, cant for sure tell the graphics card isnt the issue, and also couldnt confirm its neither on the motherboard nor on the processor, im kinda clueless. I sadly do not have the option to test interchanging parts with other ones more than i already did (without buying new ones)

I got a new CMOS battery, removed the old one, probably had it sit without it for 30 minutes and put everything back together with the new one.
After starting up i got, in white writing on black screen, my system specs a "settings were reset to default values" line and the option to continue or run setup.
Thinking that fixed what was wrong, i took the computer back to the other display, where i intended to set it up on, but "no signal" again. So i thought, alright, maybe this screen just doesnt like me, or maybe i have to reset cmos again, so i both tried leaving the battery out with the pc unplugged for 90 minutes and then retrying on the display it briefly worked with. The sad thing was when that no longer worked now. I'm rather clueless as to what could be going on, since i did have a signal, that means my graphicscard should be okay, right? It also might have a loose contact inside or something, since to access the battery slot on my MB the GC needs to be removed since it is in the way and therefor i had to remove and reinsert it a few times, which could explain why it worked once but not the other time, could it? I do have two PCI slots on my motherboard, but due to the cable that runs to the startup button occupying space, my particular GC only fits into the one of the two slots.

Thanks for the help an for bearing to read all that
Welcome to PCHF HenriBZ,

Can you post the brand and model name or number of the PSU for us.

Try reseating the RAM, if no change, try one stick at a time in each of the four slots and starting with the slot nearest to the CPU first.

Edit to add;

You have replies on other forums regarding the same request for help;

We are always happy to help when we can but we cannot safely do so if you are already receiving assistance on any other forum, doing so may lead to confusion as to whose and what guidance you are following which can be both dangerous and costly, decide on which forum you wish to continue and as a courtesy let the other/s know that assistance is no longer required.

Thank you for your understanding.
Thread closed as per the above, the OP has started and abandoned threads on other forums so is not likely to come back to this thread either.
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