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PCHF Member
Jan 16, 2016
Hi folks
Youve helped me previously so confident you will be able to do so again ( or send out a Hit Man to get me off here permanent !)
Dont know whether this is in wrong section but if not you will no doubt relocate it

At moment PC running fine but cant last forever
Its 32 bit machine loaded with Win 10
Had some probs after each MS update and in the end rang MS where a rep took over my PC (which I was a bit sceptical
about ) and made some adjustments as it was taking approx 30 mins after each update to boot up Because of this I put PC to sleep instad of Shut Down
To resolve the slow machine she registered me as a new user I believe which I now log on with and all is fine
One thing puzzles me though
On boot up it asks me whether I want Win 10 or previous version Does that mean the previous version was the original install of Win 10 that was causing probs and I now have two versions separated ny a partition or something...........
(You can laugh at me now if required ---feel free!)

Anyway its now working fine so not really relevant re topic

My question is this
Is it possible to back up the total PC system onto an external hard drive --- docs / progs / hard drive etc ( the lot ) so that it could be loaded onto a new PC (with latest spec) that for all intents and purposes is then a twin of present PC at home and could be used at the office just as though it was the same PC that I was "used to"

I could then do incremental backups of any new files and changes and if either suffered a prob I would be able to get it repaired whilst I carried on using the other and then reinstate the faulty machine to make it "a twin of the other " once again
The external drive would still have everything on as insurance (just in case)
Is it feasible / too complicated for novice like me / or am I talking out of somewhere I shouldnt ............?

Hope you can see where Im coming from and if this isnt the way to achieve my end result --maybe you could suggest an alternative
The idea came about because previously my office PC went down but although I had back up I couldnt just carry on working on Home PC ( whilst the other was being repaired) until I had loaded files needed off the backup plus all the relevant software progs I needed. Time consuming and wasted from an income aspect

Your suggestions ( other than the obvious ) greatly appreciated !!

Many thanks
Is it possible to back up the total PC system onto an external hard drive --- docs / progs / hard drive etc ( the lot ) so that it could be loaded onto a new PC (with latest spec) that for all intents and purposes is then a twin of present PC at home and could be used at the office just as though it was the same PC that I was "used to"

No and for a couple of reasons, the drivers for the old hardware would be on the HDD/SSD which would cause the system to crash before Windows even loaded on the new computer and Windows licence keys are not transferable from one MB to another unless you have previously paid for a full retail product key.
Thats that idea sabotaged then - very many thanks friend !!
So .....................
Get new PC / load progs inc any updates / and then current files and folders as required off incremental backup ( exclude archived non current files) so that its "almost" a twin???
Pretty much I`m afraid :(

Pre Windows 8 and UEFI BIOS it was tricky but doable by starting the computer in Safe Mode only on first boot, uninstalling the old drivers, restarting and then installing the new drivers, depending on any specific hardware requirements or settings some programs may have run and some may not.

Get new PC / load progs inc any updates / and then current files and folders as required off incremental backup ( exclude archived non current files) so that its "almost" a twin???

Once Windows has been installed, you install the necessary drivers for the MB and other hardware, get your AV protection up and running, check for Windows updates, enable system restore points and then start installing your programs, games etc.

You are welcome btw :)
One last question........
Will most / all software run on 32 and 64 bit PC`s , what is the difference , which is best for new one or will
it have to be 32 bit as per existing PC for software progs to remain compatible on both??

Thanks again!!
You will need to check each program individually, some 32 bit Windows programs will run within 64 bit Windows as it contains both versions, 64 bit programs will not though run on a 32 bit platform.
Hi Phill
Been rumbling thro some pc mags and found claims that
Easus and/or Zinstall could fit the bill.
N/Y?? or am I misconstruing the wording
if software has code password does that mean you can get prog across but not unlock key?
The prog "setup" and "exe" files are in downloads but key is I believe hidden in pc management services and now runs automatically so don't want to mess and lose it altogether !
Been rumbling thro some pc mags and found claims that
Easus and/or Zinstall could fit the bill.
N/Y?? or am I misconstruing the wording

if software has code password does that mean you can get prog across but not unlock key?

Sorry but not sure what you are asking, your last question was;

One last question........
Will most / all software run on 32 and 64 bit PC`s , what is the difference , which is best for new one or will
it have to be 32 bit as per existing PC for software progs to remain compatible on both??

Which I answered;

You will need to check each program individually, some 32 bit Windows programs will run within 64 bit Windows as it contains both versions, 64 bit programs will not though run on a 32 bit platform.

If you have a 64-bit system and OS you should clean install the 64-bit version of any software that you intend using, if you were to try running 32 bit software from a cloned HDD on a 64-bit system at best it will not load but worse case scenario is it will crash the whole system.
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