Solved Pc turns on then immediate back off

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PCHF Member
Jul 8, 2019
I recently bought a new motherboard, case, and power supply for a computer I’m building. I’m taking some of the old parts(like the hard drives, WiFi card, ram, and PCU along with its fan) from my HP pavilion 570-p064. After moving everything over, the RGB on the mother board would light up how ever when I would turn the computer on it would immediately shut back down. Anyone know why this could be? I’ve stuck on this for days now and I feel like it’s probably something really simple, thanks!

The specs:
7th gen intel core i3-7100 processor.
Crucial 8GB DDR4-2666 UDIMM ram.
Asus TUF B360M-plus gaming s motherboard.
Corsair CX750M power supply.
The next parts on this list came from the old computer.
128GB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid state drive.
Wireless lan 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (1x1) and Bluetooth 4.2 M.2.
Try building the PC outside of the case on a non conductive surface, in case anything is shorting. Also did you notice the I3-7100 is not in the list of supported CPUs according to the web page for the motherboard you quote?

Oh ok so how would I fix the shorting issue? I realize I need a new CPU now but I would like to now how to fix the shorting issue for in the future. Thank you for your help I’ve been stuck on this for a while now!
Once you get the proper CPU and installed using the proper amount of thermal paste is when it should be checked.

Right now it is probably like @gus stated about the CPU in post #2.
Not a problem what operating system are you planning to install?
I’m using the old drives from my other pc with windows 10 on it. Also I went to put the old pc back together and it would come on out side of the case but not inside. Instead it would turn in and off repeatedly until I turned off the power supply. Any reason for this?
I’m using the old drives from my other pc with windows 10 on it.
Windows 10 and the license is attached to the old system will need to do a fresh install and get a new license.
Also I went to put the old pc back together and it would come on out side of the case but not inside. Instead it would turn in and off repeatedly until I turned off the power supply
The motherboard may be shorting out onto the case.
Need new thermal paste.
it would come on out side of the case but not inside. Instead it would turn in and off repeatedly until I turned off the power supply. Any reason for this?
Yep, something is shorting inside the case, OR you have connected something wrong inside the case. Have a look at your standoffs, are there more standoffs than necessary for the motherboard, if so remove them. This is the reason I recommended you install the pc outside of the case in post number 2.
Windows 10 and the license is attached to the old system will need to do a fresh install and get a new license.
The motherboard may be shorting out onto the case.
Need new thermal paste.
Ok so I’m feeling kind of dumb right now but I have the old pc put back together outside of the case and I put new thermal paste on the PCU. However it still cuts on and off repeatedly when I try to start it.
We will leave it open for a few days in case you want to post back after fitting the replacement CPU.
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Ok it turns on and got to the desktop (without a new license)outside the case, but when I put it in the case is cuts on and off as it did before. I know it’s just touching something somewhere that’s it’s not supposed to but I can’t seem to find it. There are no extra mounting pins that I haven’t already removed and everything is plugged in as it should be. Any tips on what I’m missing that you might know? Also thank you for helping me with this!
it’s on and working now! Thank you all for the help!
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Glad you got it sorted, but could you share what the problem was? It could help others.

BTW no need to quote previous posts. Edited your last post where you quoted yourself.
Lol whilst I was putting the motherboard back into the case the ram had came out ever so slightly and it took me taking the entire motherboard to realize it.
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